
Close of Day Reports

I have two questions if anyone can help.

1. I am getting a sales report email, before the end of the day that only has a few transactions on it.  This report would be very beneficial if it were accurate, but  like last night it came at 10:30 and I didn't run our close of day until 11:45.  Is there a setting I am missing, or does anyone know why this is happening?


2.  The close of day report that I run at the end of the day is not reporting all categories accurately.  For example, we still use paper gift certificates so they are put in as a separate category when selling them and lets say we sell 10, worth $1000, it might show we sold 5 only $500.   When I go to the transactions, they are all there.   Anyone know why?  When I log-in to the dashboard today, it shows the accurate amount. 


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Square Community Moderator

Hello @dogbar, I know accurate reporting is essential to business operations, and I am sorry you are having some trouble with your close of day report. That is certainly definitely odd behavior and I have not seen any come reports of issues. I would make sure your device and app are up-to-date. If the issue continues I would reach out to support to investigate further. You can reach them at 

1-855-700-6000, squ.re/contactsqsupport. I appreciate you working with us to resolve this and let us know if you need anything else. 

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