
Restaurant POS Tickets on normal POS?

Hello all!


Just a weird request here but i'm wondering why tickets that i save in the restaurants POS will not show on the Square POS on the same ipad. The strange thing is on my terminals the ticket will show but not on the ipad if it was created in the restaurant pos. 


The reason i ask is that we have one terminal connected to the ipad and as the restaurant POS does not offer payments through a conected Terminal i wish to just quickly move over to the Regular pos and take a payment with the terminal that is connected to the ipad.

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Square Champion

Hey @YeOldeCrown - apologies for the obvious questions, but:

Are all the apps up-to-date? 
Have you got tickets turned on on the iPad? 
Are they all signed into the same account and location? 
Does it work the other way around? (ie when you save a ticket on the sPOS does it show in the restaurant app)

It's not something I've ever tested out, but can imagine there being problems if you're using some of the more advanced restaurant features (coursing, tables layout etc.) - I know the team have been putting huge efforts into making the terminal run smoothly as the perfect table-side device. 

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