Beta Member

Printing issues - online orders printing twice

We have Square for Restaurants with 2 iPads. I set up one printer profile and connected the 2 iPads, but all online orders started printing 2-4 times.


I then created a 2nd printer profile. One iPad has in person and online orders on, the other just in person orders. At first no online orders were printing but I restarted and it seemed to fix this. But, now we are back to multiple prints for online orders.


I have unselected the print in progress orders options. 


Is this a bug? Should we have 2 profiles? We want dockets to print once in the kitchen - from both iPads and online orders. 


Can someone help? Thanks! 

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Square Community Moderator

Hi @funkateers 👋


As far as I know you only need to have 1 printer profile, but I am trying to confirm this for you.


The double printing occurred with the original profile, and then started happening with the 2nd profile you created for in-person and online orders? Is the double printing happening for every online order placed, and are they back to back prints or is there a delay between the printing? 


This definitely sounds buggy, but I wasn't able to find any other reports through the customer support channels. If you haven't already, it may be faster to reach out to the support team directly. A rep will be able to escalate this properly to the advanced support team for further research. 

Message 2 of 3

Not sure if this helps but we had a similar issue a few months ago with Square for Restaurants and the Kitchen tickets printing multiple times.  It boiled down to software updates not being done across all our devices (I think).  The problem seemed to resolve when we updated the software/apps on all devices at once.  For some reason, even though we had set apps to update automatically in the App Store, they were not updating, so we went in to the App Store, and searched Square for Restaurant App and - low and behold - it said there were updates available.  Once we forced the updates on all devices the multiple docket printing seemed to settle down.

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