
Customer Feedback on recipe


I know there is a way for customers to leave feedback if they request a digital receipt at payment. 
I was wondering if there is a way to leave a QR code at the bottom of the receipt for people who have paid and asked for a printed receipt?

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Square Community Moderator

Hey @Jkelly90, thanks for your post! Happy to help here. 


At the moment, there isn't a way to print QR codes onto receipts, this is considered a feature request. I think its a great idea, though. I'll share this post with our wider product teams for better visibility. Hopefully, we'll be able to facilitate this someday. 


Let me know if you have any further questions. 



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Square Champion

Hey @Jkelly90 - I do something a little like this but use a work around as it's not built in. It also gives me a little more control over the info they're asked for. 

I've set up a contact page that isn't in my navigation options - 400degrees.co.uk/feedback 

There I've got a very basic form they can fill out, but if you're asking for specific things you can add whatever you need. 

Screenshot 2023-07-05 at 09.37.43.png


I've then just added a custom message on the bottom of the receipt with the web address.

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