
How to fix salaried employee pay

I have a very weird issue and I'm wondering if this has happened to anyone else. My manager has two jobs, one as a Manager and one as a front of house specialist. The Manager job gets paid $20/hour SALARY for 40 hours each week, and the front of house specialist job gets paid $6/hr + tips HOURLY. 


Square is supposed to automatically calculate and pay out the salary amount each pay period and then separate pay out the front of house amounts each pay period for their recorded hours clocked in as that.


But it doesn't. It only pays the 40 manager hours out if the manager clocks in at least once as a front of house specialist. AND it pays out the 40 hours as $6/hr as if they are getting paid the hourly amount for the front of house specialist job and not the manager position. It is all very weird, and confusing and I am not sure how to just get square to separate out the two jobs and keep it all accurate. It's like meshing the two together. 


Can anyone help me solve this? Is it possible for a salaried employee to also have another job that is paid hourly? Or do I need to limit their job to just the manager position? Help! Thank you! 

Message 1 of 5
1 Best Answer
Square Champion

Best Answer

This is a really interesting question, @bonsaibaime. I'm curious if maybe Square Payroll isn't set up to have someone be both hourly & salary. I know that we have multiple employees who work two different jobs at different hourly rates. For example, one employee is a baker and our social media assistant, and both pay differently. So, she clocks out of one, and clocks in the other, so she's being paid accurately for the job she's currently working.


But, for salaried managers, even if they're clocking in/out, Square will basically "erase" the clock-ins and default to the 40-hour week salary, regardless of how many hours they actually clocked in for. Which makes me think that maybe the same employee can't be both. Although, if that's the case, it seems like Square Payroll wouldn't let you set them up that way initially. 


One workaround could potentially be to set the employee up with two different hourly rates for the two different roles, and just manually add 40 hours to her Manager payrate. I know that's likely not ideal -- automated is always better -- but could be an option maybe.


If it were me, I'd probably try to reach out the Square Payroll directly (unless another Seller can chime in with more info) to see if it's a bug or the way the system is set up. 

Michelle Savage
Co-Founder & President
Savage Goods | @savagegoods | savagegoods.com

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Message 4 of 5
Square Champion

This seems like a pretty fringe case and not something that I've attempted with payroll for an individual employee.  It seems like what is actually happening is actually a bug and not the intended outcome.  It allows you to have both pay situations and therefore should be able to do payment on both.  Maybe some screenshots on your specific setup for the "Jobs and Compensation" screen for this employee would be helpful.

Message 2 of 5

I remember not long ago there was an option for the employees to log in for different jobs.  I wish I could be of more help, I'd like multiple changes to the permissions/payroll reporting.

Message 3 of 5
Square Champion

Best Answer

This is a really interesting question, @bonsaibaime. I'm curious if maybe Square Payroll isn't set up to have someone be both hourly & salary. I know that we have multiple employees who work two different jobs at different hourly rates. For example, one employee is a baker and our social media assistant, and both pay differently. So, she clocks out of one, and clocks in the other, so she's being paid accurately for the job she's currently working.


But, for salaried managers, even if they're clocking in/out, Square will basically "erase" the clock-ins and default to the 40-hour week salary, regardless of how many hours they actually clocked in for. Which makes me think that maybe the same employee can't be both. Although, if that's the case, it seems like Square Payroll wouldn't let you set them up that way initially. 


One workaround could potentially be to set the employee up with two different hourly rates for the two different roles, and just manually add 40 hours to her Manager payrate. I know that's likely not ideal -- automated is always better -- but could be an option maybe.


If it were me, I'd probably try to reach out the Square Payroll directly (unless another Seller can chime in with more info) to see if it's a bug or the way the system is set up. 

Michelle Savage
Co-Founder & President
Savage Goods | @savagegoods | savagegoods.com
Message 4 of 5

Thank you for your response, this was super helpful! 

Message 5 of 5