
Ability to view when time off request was submitted

Square Champion

Ability to view when time off request was submitted

We ask our team to submit time off requests two weeks in advance.  Also, we have blackout days where we can only let a limited number of team members have time off.  All time off requests are first come first serve.


When we are scheduling or viewing time off requests, it does not show when they were submitted.


Please add this feature to the roadmap.


Thank you



I have been searching for this and now I know that it doesn't exist. It would be a wonderful addition and keep business owners from having to use other software to track past requests. 

Beta Member

I agree that it would be essential to our business to have a means of viewing already approved employee requests, when requests were made, and a calendar of sorts that organizes who has time off on any given day or week.

Square team management has a lot of areas of improvement but this is one of the top. It would be beneficial to me when approving time off to see what ive approved for people in the past and the frequency. 


Hi @thehealthbar and everyone else,


Thanks for the feedback!  We are actively working on support for partial-day time off, releasing in a few weeks, and as part of this update, we are including the date of request in both the Team App and Dashboard.


We are continuing to explore other types of time-off reporting we can bring into the platform over the back half of this calendar year.



This is actually needed from an HR compliance side. I've had employees go out of their time off policy and I have no record on when the reuqest was submitted, the reasoning and how many days they've taken off in a certain period. It's become a HUGE pain point when having to let employees go as we have no record to fall back on. 


I enjoy how seamless it is for employers/employees, but it's lacking this requirement from an HR/Team side. Please prioritize this feature. 

I agree, this would be a vital function in the payroll system. We need to be able to see how many days off that employees have been approved for. We are also experiencing a problem where a time off that gets approved disappears from the system so employees are getting scheduled on days that they requested off. I may have to move to a system that supports that function.


Hi everyone,


I would also like to note that we are working to bring you a Time Off report that will be inclusive of past time off taken and future approved requests to better help manage your team and stay compliant.  More to come in the coming months on this one.  Appreciate the insights and feedback, as always.



I just really need to acess the request history with date of request and dates requested per team member.  Need it for many different reasons. and disputes.


Beta Member

Please add this feature.  We need to be able to track these hours. 

Beta Member

All of the approved times off do not even show on the previous schedules on shifts.  A history of requests and a list view of requests currently in would be very helpful.  Is there any current way to block requests for a full day?  Also ability to put in a request on behalf of a team member ?