
Sqaure Register is going slow all around since 10 days ago.

Cash transactions take 10 seconds to even open the drawer. Credit card taps make the noise instantly but takes 10 seconds to even get to the transaction complete screen making customers tap twice thinking it doesn’t work or go through. Chip inserts also take 10 seconds to get to completed screen. What is going on over at Square recently? Last week or two when the outrage happened I lost around $300 due to transactions failing. How is this okay?

Message 1 of 3

Having the same problem. There is another thread on this issue: https://www.sellercommunity.com/t5/Square-Terminal/Terminal-Slow/td-p/691970.  You may want to repost there, that's the one I will be updating if I find out anything.


Message 2 of 3

This has been happening for us for a month or two--since an update to Square Register. I wonder the same thing about what is going on with Square, because this isn't the only issue I've been having. I'm also having low stock & deposit emails just never show up, and it's hit & miss. One day I get the deposit email, the next I don't. I contacted support on that, and they just told me to whitelist all their domains, which I already had. Then they said to contact my internet provider... what else are they going to be able to do? And why do I get some of them but not others? These things combined with the ridiculous speed of payments--and their lack of speed in fixing it--has me very concerned about Square in general. New management? What the heck is going on???


Here's another thread that concerns the payment issue: https://www.sellercommunity.com/t5/Square-Register/USB-Cash-Drawer-opens-after-slight-delay/m-p/6734.... This one seems to have the most activity and traction, so you may want to add a comment there to keep bumping up to the top of the list.

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