Beta Member

Discount Rule Options

Under Automatic Discounts we need a fourth "Discount Rule" that does not require the discounted item to be of lesser value than the qualifying item(s).

I'm trying to force a combo discount by having an amount off apply if two of one item are purchased. Two hotdogs then add an item from my SIDES category and the side gets $1.50 off. But the side has to be cheaper than the hotdogs. If someone buys a large side which is more than the cost of one hotdog, the discount won't apply.

So I flipped the script, added a second discount, if someone buys a side then a $.75 discount applies to two hotdogs. But if one hotdog is cheaper than the other (different toppings) one discount applies to the side and one applies to the sandwich which breaks the whole thing.

There's no work-around on my end I can find. The simple solution would be for Square to allow a discount to apply to any item in the category if qualifiers are met (buy two X and anything in Y gets a discount) without boxing it into a BOGO rule.

A fourth option for Discount Rule that just applies to anything in a specific criteria regardless of price shouldn't be too complicated to program in, right?

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Square Champion

Best Answer

Hi @KrisTM.  This is the sort of thing that the Ideate Board was made for.  I suggest you head there and submit a feature request to the Restaurants Team.  This will get the ball rolling on an evaluation and possible inclusion in a future product roadmap.  You can just copy/paste your post above, mostly.  Not sure I’d put that last paragraph in, because it doesn’t help make your case.  Speaking as a former software engineer (20 years before I decided I’d had enough of that thankless job! Ha), I can say that just because a thing sounds easy/uncomplicated doesn’t mean that it IS easy/uncomplicated.


You might want to add that there should be limits on the price of the “free” item, though.  Too many customers will do their best to take advantage of your generosity and order the most expensive “Free” item you have in the list.  That is the biggest reason that most BOGOs are for items of equal/lesser value to keep us from getting ripped off by self-entitled folks.


Good luck.


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Piper’s Ice Cream Bar, Covington KY USA
Click here to see a list of third-party apps I use to add functionality to my Square account!

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Message 2 of 2
Square Champion

Best Answer

Hi @KrisTM.  This is the sort of thing that the Ideate Board was made for.  I suggest you head there and submit a feature request to the Restaurants Team.  This will get the ball rolling on an evaluation and possible inclusion in a future product roadmap.  You can just copy/paste your post above, mostly.  Not sure I’d put that last paragraph in, because it doesn’t help make your case.  Speaking as a former software engineer (20 years before I decided I’d had enough of that thankless job! Ha), I can say that just because a thing sounds easy/uncomplicated doesn’t mean that it IS easy/uncomplicated.


You might want to add that there should be limits on the price of the “free” item, though.  Too many customers will do their best to take advantage of your generosity and order the most expensive “Free” item you have in the list.  That is the biggest reason that most BOGOs are for items of equal/lesser value to keep us from getting ripped off by self-entitled folks.


Good luck.


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Piper’s Ice Cream Bar, Covington KY USA
Click here to see a list of third-party apps I use to add functionality to my Square account!

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