
Set Goals to Fix your Vital Needs

Hey Readers,


Let’s keep working through the process laid out in Fix This Next by Mike Michalowicz!




Last week we went through the Business Problem Pyramid (BPP) and figured out our Vital Need. Now that you know which level of the BPP is your vital need, it’s time to set some goals to fix them. 


The author uses the OMEN model (based on OKRs) to set goals to solve each of the Core Needs within a Vital Need. These goals that are practical, attainable, impactful, and measurable. 


OMEN stands for Objective, Measurement, Evaluation, and Nurture (Page 46):

  • Objective – What is the result you intend to achieve? Where does it currently stand? What are the requirements to be successful?
  • Measurement – What is the most straightforward way to measure your progress toward your outcome? Include a specific timeframe.
  • Evaluation – With what frequency will you analyze your measurements? Set interim goals on your way to the intended outcome.
  • Nurture – How will you tweak the objective and/or measurements? Make the objective and measurements highly visible to relevant people, give your team permission to change the settings to improve progress.


Jump over to the section of the book that discusses your vital need to get ideas on how to tackle and set your OMENs for each of your Core Needs. Here are the page numbers:

  • Sales:  Pages 53 to 88
  • Profit:  Pages 89 to 118
  • Order:  Pages 119 to 147
  • Impact:  Pages 160 to 188
  • Legacy:  Pages 189 to 218


So let’s dive into writing out yours!


We’d love to hear your answers in the comments:

  • For your Vital Need level of the BPP, which Core Needs do you have unchecked, that you need to work on? 
  • Set up your OMENs for each of these Core Needs. 


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Happy reading,


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Beta Member

@Pesso you always have great discussion topics!! 


These are the Core needs that I need to work on:

  1. Margin Health 
  2. Transaction Frequency 
  3. Profitable Leverage 

I don't have an OMEN set up yet, but sounds like fun homework for the week! 🙂 



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