
March & April 2024 Book Club: Worth Every Penny by Sarah Petty and Erin Verbeck

Hey Square Readers,


You voted and chose Worth Every Penny by Sarah Petty and Erin Verbeck as our Square Readers Book Club book for March & April 2024!




Hereโ€™s a quick summary:

Build a Business That Thrills Your Customers and Still Charge What Your Worth

โ€œMany small business owners feel pressure to discount their products and services, especially when times are tough. After all, how else will they keep up with the low prices offered by their discounting competitors? What they don't realize is that discounting is the last thing they should be doing if they want to win big. There's a radically different way to run your business: focus on creating specialized offerings and an over-the-top customer experience, not on matching the prices of their competition. Worth Every Penny encourages you to explore and use the boutique model, which is designed to maximize your advantages over discounting competitors.โ€


Weโ€™ll start reading on Monday, March 4th, so get ready and pick up a copy at a local library, bookstore, Amazon, or anywhere else! 


Weโ€™ll have discussion threads being posted throughout the next two months, and a Live Discussion Video Chat on Tuesday April 30th. See the event page for the time and more information. 



We canโ€™t wait to read with you!


๏œ๏ธ Aylon Pesso, he/him
Small Business Evangelist, Square

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Message 1 of 19


Max Pete
Former Community Engagement Program Manager, Square
Message 2 of 19

Me too! I started prepping and reading already, and it's pretty solid so far!

๏œ๏ธ Aylon Pesso, he/him
Small Business Evangelist, Square

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Message 3 of 19

I just ordered the book. Looking forward to another great read.

Message 4 of 19

Wonderful, thank you @Jimjam ! We're looking forward to hearing your thoughts on the book once you get it!

๏œ๏ธ Aylon Pesso, he/him
Small Business Evangelist, Square

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Message 5 of 19

Began reading and looking forward to implementing the action steps suggested. 

Message 6 of 19

Thanks for joining us and sharing, @TerriK ! We would love to hear your thoughts and your progress as you go!

Any initial learnings so far? You can also jump into our first discussion thread here-

๏œ๏ธ Aylon Pesso, he/him
Small Business Evangelist, Square

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Message 7 of 19
Square Champion

I just ordered - it'll get here in a week or so I'll be a little behind but I like to support used book sellers - and giving books a second life ๐Ÿ™‚


Deklan (Dex) they/them]

MudFire CEO | Square enthusiast

Visit me at MudFire online
Message 8 of 19

Wonderful, thank you @MudFire_Dex ! No rush at all -- I always start off the first discussion threads with baseline questions not about the material, so folks can take their time getting started reading. 


I love that! All about supporting local businesses and passing along the knowledge -- buying used and donating after.


Can't wait to hear your thoughts on it-

๏œ๏ธ Aylon Pesso, he/him
Small Business Evangelist, Square

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Message 9 of 19
Square Champion

Heeeeeeeeeeeeey youuuuuuuuuuuuu guyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyys!!!  (If y'all don't know, that's a Goonies reference)


I'm soooooo excited about this book!  I just received it a couple days ago, sat down last night to start.  Before I knew it, I'd read 5 chapters!!  This book is awesome!!


I know that the subject matter is different and in my opinion, less boring than previous books, but I also know the writing style is different.  The way she writes, I found myself speed-reading and hearing a voice to match it.  It's a breeze!  I had never thought of my business being a boutique business but it is and that term is fairly new in the business world, so I think that might be why I never thought of it before....  I've been self-employed since dare I say, 1987... ouch!


The branding stuff is not new to me.  In our current business, I've enforced that our logo/brand must match on absolutely everything and that it will not be changed unless it stops working.  And trust me... it won't change.  Our logo has the American flag behind it and everyone refers to our truck as the American flag truck because it's covered.  If we were to change that, as the book states, no one would recognize us.  So true.  Also, we won't age out of our logo because we're working toward retirement in the next 8 years (my hubby is younger than me) and he wants to be done soon.  We will either sell or close at that point.  If we sell, it's a new logo for the new owner.  If we retain a portion to sell, than the logo stays until we're gone.  As long as we're in the business, it will stay because people know it.  We've been in business for 7 years and have driven the same truck for all of that time.  In MT, you can't go anywhere without travel, so everyone knows the truck.


The reputation stuff is not new either.  As a business owner, you have to be the same person both publicly and privately because people notice.  This didn't used to matter as much when social media didn't exist... people couldn't compare you to your business unless they knew you privately behind closed doors.  Now, it's all out in the open.  People pay attention to how you treat people as an individual when you are out in public.  It matters.  Like she said - she won't put badges on her car because she doesn't want people to recognize her as the face of her business when she's driving.


I'm excited to do the homework!  I have to start answering those questions - but not for this business.  I'm really dreaming of my own goals for my retirement, as I'm older and will hit that age sooner, and I want to get my stuff going.  This new information is helping me to put a new perspective on opening a new business, not revamping what we have.  What we have is successful and working.  Nearly 90% of our business is word of mouth.  We don't traditionally advertise.  Even though I'm a seasoned business owner, I like having those questions to ponder and look at different ways of doing things because my new business will be far more boutique than this one is and I want to set it up right from the beginning and not have to make those changes down the road.


I think I could have easily done at least one more chapter last night but I will read more soon.  Anyone else excited about the homework???


Don't be vanilla!! ๐Ÿ™‚

Co-Owner/Business Manager
Arctic Heat
R&C Property Management
Event Planner/Business Trainer
Member - Women in HVACR
Member - NAWIC; Mentorship Chair for MT Chapter
Square Champions Expert
Message 10 of 19

Thanks for sharing your experiences and excitement, @CareyJo ! I'm so glad that you're enjoying and into this book so much!


It really is such an engaging and quick read. I completely sped through it too! I love that the Boutique framework is resonating with you too.


That's so cool that your branding is so recognizable in that way! Definitely a great plan to never change it!


That's a really good point about being the same privately and publicly. You're so right, everything is out there an people find it all out and share things far and wide. Being a good person no matter the setting is huge. It's easy to get recognized!


I can't wait to hear more about the ideas of the new business! I'd love to hear all of your homework answers, so please share them on our discussion threads for each of the books' sections! The Basics of Boutique thread and the Branding Section thread are up already, so definitely share your answers to the book's and my questions there if you can! I know that reading your thoughts can help a lot of other folks when they're thinking about their businesses.


Thanks again!

๏œ๏ธ Aylon Pesso, he/him
Small Business Evangelist, Square

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Message 11 of 19
Square Champion



Don't know if you know who Joyce Meyer is, but she's an evangelist and a good one.  She's been in the public eye for decades.  Love her.


I once heard her say during a sermon that when she goes out with her family, even during private time, she is always recognized.  So, if she went to any place of business and created a scene by being pushy, demanding or complaining, how would that affect her image?  More importantly, how would it affect God's image to other people?  If she were that kind of person in real life, how would people ever believe what she preaches about God?


That stuck with me.

Co-Owner/Business Manager
Arctic Heat
R&C Property Management
Event Planner/Business Trainer
Member - Women in HVACR
Member - NAWIC; Mentorship Chair for MT Chapter
Square Champions Expert
Message 12 of 19

Hey everyone,


I only just ordered this book so I'm quite behind and don't know if I'll be able to finish it in time for the live discussion. Unlike most businesses, my slow season is during the holidays and then gets crazy busy after and especially hectic during tax return season.  I've also been traveling and have some big exciting events coming up that took priority of my minimal free time, so my apologies for being rather absent.  Looking forward to reading this one and reconnecting with all of you!


Best regards,


Sam Castro
Message 13 of 19

Welcome back, @scastrotattoo , great to hear from ya - no worries at all!


So glad to hear that you've been busy, got some travel in, and have exciting things coming up. We'd love to hear all about what you've got planned!


It's a pretty fast and engaging read, so hopefully it'll work out, but you're more than welcome to join the chat either way and post in the discussion threads even after we've started the next book. 

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts-

๏œ๏ธ Aylon Pesso, he/him
Small Business Evangelist, Square

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Message 14 of 19
Square Champion

OMG!!!  I did it!!!  I FINISHED THE BOOK!!!  YAAAAAY ME!!!!  Y'all have NO IDEA how excited I am about this!!!


What's really super awesome too is that I started the Conclusion this morning, at which it begins with "On April Fool's Day, 1974".... That was 50 years ago TODAY!!!!!  And we grew up in Phoenix!!  How awesome is that?!?  I just thought it was a great way to end the book...


I can't wait to review section four!!  I won't give away any spoilers but I'm sitting on pins and needles waiting!!!  I'm going to tout this book and create a seminar from it for our local Chamber!!!  All of our businesses in the local area are boutique - except for Family Dollar.  People will love this book!!



Co-Owner/Business Manager
Arctic Heat
R&C Property Management
Event Planner/Business Trainer
Member - Women in HVACR
Member - NAWIC; Mentorship Chair for MT Chapter
Square Champions Expert
Message 15 of 19

Let's go @CareyJo!! So glad to hear and love that you're going to be sharing this book with other businesses in your community too, that is the way to be!

Max Pete
Former Community Engagement Program Manager, Square
Message 16 of 19

Congrats on finishing it, @CareyJo ! I'm so glad you enjoyed it and got so much out of it. 


Woaaah that is wild timing and a great way to wrap things up. Love when things happen like that. 

I can't wait to share Section 4 either -- next week! 


Wow, that's so exciting and incredible that you're going to share the book and your experiences with it in your Chamber of Commerce. Definitely keep us updated on that and how it goes! Love to see the real world impact of Book Club!

๏œ๏ธ Aylon Pesso, he/him
Small Business Evangelist, Square

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Message 17 of 19
Square Champion

I am on purpose working slowly through the book, taking the time to thoughtfully address the action steps at the end of each chapter.  A little bit every day so I can really think about what she is presenting. I added paper clips to mark where I want to go back and do a deeper dive in specific areas.  (There's a bunch.) I'm very much enjoying the book.  

Bonny Wagoner
Message 18 of 19

I love that, @bonny ! Thanks for sharing your process working through the book, and I'm so glad that you're getting so much out of it! Can't wait to hear more of your thoughts and what you've been learning and getting out of it. Feel free to jump into the discussion threads to share your learnings and actions steps for each section!

๏œ๏ธ Aylon Pesso, he/him
Small Business Evangelist, Square

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Message 19 of 19