
Reports for your total variation sales?

Is there currently a way to get a report on your total variation sales? For example, I am a photographer and all my images have the same variations. I want to see a report on how many 8"x12"s sold across all of my images. I know as of last year this feature wasn't available, but they said it may come in the future. I know Square has added new features since and I thought perhaps they have since added it, but I can't find anything on the subject that is new. Is it still unavailable? I was hoping for such a report from option sets, but it doesn't from what I can find. Any help or information is appreciated. 

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1 Best Answer
Square Champion

Best Answer

Hey @ArtThatSmiles.  There is still no stock Square report for reporting on Variations like this.  You can, however, do it yourself, by downloading the Item Summary CSV for the desired period (from the Online Dashboard Transactions list), and then creating a Pivot Table in a spreadsheet to do this summary for you.  If you aren’t sure how to make this happen, let me know and I’ll walk you through the steps.  It’s not too overly complicated.

Square Champion, Innovator & Expert
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Message 2 of 3
Square Champion

Best Answer

Hey @ArtThatSmiles.  There is still no stock Square report for reporting on Variations like this.  You can, however, do it yourself, by downloading the Item Summary CSV for the desired period (from the Online Dashboard Transactions list), and then creating a Pivot Table in a spreadsheet to do this summary for you.  If you aren’t sure how to make this happen, let me know and I’ll walk you through the steps.  It’s not too overly complicated.

Square Champion, Innovator & Expert
Piper’s Ice Cream Bar, Covington KY USA Website Facebook
Click here to see a list of third-party apps I use to add functionality to my Square account!

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Message 2 of 3

Thank you Chip, I've never done a pivot table, but will learn how.

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