Beta Member

All tips & sales being attributed to one team member

All my employees are clocking in/out, but I saw that all tips have been going to one team member (perhaps the last one to clock in). I signed up for Shifts Plus to be able to pool tips, so I think the tips problem will be resolved, but I'm noticing that all "Team sales" are being attributed to that one team member too. How do I fix this? Is it a problem with logging/clocking in to the PoS?

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Square Champion

Hi @aweandwonder.  It sounds like you might be new to Square, so first welcome!  Hopefully we can get this resolved for you quickly.  It sounds like you have a number of settings that are not correct, and that a few clarifications are in order.


First, sales are attributed to the team member who is signed into the POS at the time the sale is completed.  This means that employees need to ensure that they are signed in before completion sales.  In the bottom right corner of your POS you will see “Log out xx” where xx is an employee’s initials.  That is the person who will get the sales.


You can force employees to enter their codes by going to More -> Settings -> Security.  In the “Require passcode” section, you can toggle on “After each sale.” This will sign employees out of the POS after each sale, allowing the next employee to sign in.  Also, you should tell your employees to check that bottom right corner of the POS for their initials before entering a new transaction.  If their initials aren’t there, they can click on “Log out xx” which will take them to a screen to log in.


Note that logging out does not clock them out.  Logging in and out is purely a POS functions for employees to sign in as themselves to enter transactions.  Clocking in and out is for payroll only.  But logging in/out and clocking in/out are two different functions, and you should not get them confused.


For tips it does not matter who the sale is attributed to.  All tips entered will be automatically pooled and distributed to each employee.  I’m assuming, of course, that you have set up your tip pool from your dashboard, and that you have set up all of your team member who are in that pool correctly as well — as outlined in this Help Document.  But if you have any questions about your tip pool set up, let me know.


You can check your tip pool distribution for any period by going to your Online Dashboard -> Shifts -: Labor & tips.  It you have tip pooling set up, employees will either show some numbers in the tip column or they will show “not eligible” if they are not participating in the tip pool (managers and such).


I hope that helps.  If you need anything else, don’t hesitate to say so.


If my answer resolves your issue, please take a minute to mark it as Best Answer. That helps people who find this thread in the future.

Piper’s Ice Cream Bar, Covington KY USA
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