
Remove Default Categories from Library

Remove Default Categories from Library

Having a set of default, unremovable categories that takes up more than 3/4 of the Library screen is untenable.  I'd wager the majority of Square users don't use Gift Cards or Rewards; a few probably use discounts and service charges.

We should have the ability to edit/remove/hide categories on the library screen.  As a Square user for both my personal business and as head (read: only) IT guy for a local nonprofit, being able to remove the useless-to-us categories would save me SO MUCH PAIN from volunteers getting "lost" because they hit the wrong category. 

(Yes, I created a for-dummies document that a lobotomized kindergartner could follow.  No, it didn't help.  Anyone who's worked with people will understand...there's always that one person who couldn't find their a** with both hands and a map, who throws up their hands, turns off their brain, and wails for help the second they get slightly confused.  Usually while you're elbow deep in something else, but their problem is the most important thing in the world!)

3 Verified Answers
Verified Answer

Re: Feature Request: Option to remove "Redeem Rewards" and/or "Gift Cards" from

I know they added more unwanted items on the main screen, but Square thinks by adding the one grid to our phone has helped. We are at farmers markets, craft shows and concessions where speed is key. We have our iPad set up grid style that helps. When I have a line and have to use my phone one grid are area doesn’t help. Make the option happen to turn off unnecessary items. We are a community asking of Square to please offer this as a way to speed up our transactions. For the love of pete sakes hear our words! We need a toggle to turn off those unwanted items! TOGGLE SWITCH TURN OFF ITEMS UNNEEDED!

Verified Answer

Re: Feature Request: Option to remove "Redeem Rewards" and/or "Gift Cards" from

Now the “new” home screen has 5 lines of unneeded space hogs instead of 2 lines of useless functions.  On my phone (which is the ONLY way I use square) I can only see two of my items, but I have two scroll up to see my menu.  I work farmers markets where transaction speed in incredibly important, every step slows down sales.  It is hard to fathom that SQUARE could make the issue worse than it was.  

Verified Answer

Re: Remove Redeem Rewards from Item List

Hi there!


The Redeem Rewards selection cannot be removed completely, however using your "Items Grid" you can customize what appears as available to select. 


Head over to our Support Center to read more about the Items Grid.

177 Replies

I am agreeing with this post! Please make the option to hide these SOON! They take up precious real estate on our phones or tablets for those of us who don't use these functions! Very frustrating 😞

I would also say, that with your absolutely stellar team of tech guru's and your intellectual matrix of coding superstar's, one would think that this edit to simply drag those two options to the bottom of the items list or even easier remove them from the item bar all together the same way one would simply delete one of the items they had created, square would have figured out a way to help abide the humble requests from some of its customers.  But until then I guess we will continue to scroll past the two useless line items.  On a brighter side at least phones screens are turning into miniature flatscreen televisions so this isn't as "BIG" of a problem as it was in 2016, who knows maybe square will drag their feet long enough that this problem will be over come by future screen technology or....... another POS system that takes minor request from its user.  Only time will tell.  So,  just incase sentiment was some how over looked I to believe that we should be able to remove these two items from "our" POS.  Thanks for your..........consideration.

1+ all the way.  How is it not possible to remove something from the item list?


On the Square Terminal, only 8 items are able to be shown on Library list at once.  2 of them are "Redeem Rewards" (which we don't and can't use) and "Gift Cards" (which we won't and will never use).  How does this make any sense that they can't be disabled?



I have been a software developer for 35 years.   This is nothing more than sloppy, lazy programming.  A point of sale display that you cannot configure to remove items?   Lazy idiots are in charge of this interface.   While you're at it how about a "C"lear button when selling from the 'items' display so I can reverse direction quickly.


Whomever is in charge of this development needs a good kick in the ass.



Square Terminal is an awesome device, but it feels like development on it has stalled behind the other devices.  I'm guessing Square Register is a much more popular (and higher margin) device and thus it takes precedence, but those of us with Terminals feel left out.


Square, if you're reading this, please bump priority of Terminal features/fixes.



Everyone start hitting that RED HEART icon!  Apparently they don't think its serious enough because there are not enough "likes" in this stupid "like" world we live in. 


This seems to point to the concept of "It makes Square more money".  This must be a large enough incentive for them to ignore the little guys ... I don't do a lot with them as my season is short but when its busy time they chalk up about $15,000 in my sales. 


Square! Read the requests and make it happen please!


This is not fair that we the users cannot control our register buttons the way we need.  Especially when we are on limited space with our smart devices. 


NO ONE HAS EVER SEEN THE GIFT CARD OR REWARDS BUTTON and asked about it.  NO ONE EVER and I deal with a lot of coupon hugging moms. 


Do we need to take this to another higher up level of communication?


Warm Regards! for now

Why would you add items to a merchants list of items without asking them or without giving them the option to remove the items.



Just bought a terminal today and saw this on the terminal.  I thought this must be modified on the Dashboard somehow - so wrong and a waste of my time.


Square - fix this please.




Our organization would also like to remove or hide "Redeem Rewards" and "Gift Card" entries from the item list. We'll never use them and they take up too much screen real estate on a Square Terminal.


Hey @cosmun - thanks for adding your voice here on this thread. We're continuously tracking this request - we'll let you know if anything changes. 


For now, I've added another tally mark on the back-end so the Product Team can see. Thanks for posting!