
Owner name change

Owner name change

My last name changed in 2015, but why can I not change it in my account? 

1 Verified Answer
Verified Answer

Re: Owner name change - Status changed to: Not currently planned

Hi @hairbydani - Thanks for reaching out to us here on the Square Seller Community👋


I went ahead and merged your post to an existing thread where other Square Sellers have discussed this topic as well. We merge duplicate conversations together to keep like comments in one place, and to make it easier for others to find the thread in the future. 


At this time, the ability to edit the Owner's name listed on a Square account is a feature request. To learn more about how feature requests work, please see this post from one of our Seller Community Moderators. 


In the meantime, keep an eye out for any updates in our Seller Community.


I am looking to transfer of ownership of the account as the person who is connected to the account is no longer with the company. We do have our account name as the business name but I see the ownership is for a previous employee. Is there any way to be able to change the account owner's name at this time?


Square Community Moderator

Hi @Admin800 - Welcome to The Seller Community, it's always nice to see a new face 😊


Great Question.

Square currently does not allow sellers to change the account owner's name.


Ownership Transfer Not Eligible

If your Square account is not eligible to transfer ownership, or if you’re the new business owner, and the original account holder is no longer associated with the business or organization, we recommend the following:

Download the previous account’s sales history.

Contact the previous account holder and request they deactivate the current Square account.

Activate a new Square account using your information. You can use the same EIN and bank account regardless of whether these were used with the previous account.


As always, feel free to stop by The Community with question, concerns and even feature requests. We are more than happy to assist.


Agreed! Can't believe we can't change a terminated or deceased owner without creating a new account.

Nonsense. Especially for a business account. You could tie a business account to the company's EIN or TID. Come on. This is an easy fix.

I'm in the same boat as so many, buying a business and changed the EIN, banking, etc. but can't change the "owners" name.  HOPEFULLY there is a viable solution in the works...

Square Community Moderator

Hi @AlaskaSkyPie - Thanks for reaching out to us. I see this is your first post in the Seller Community so I'd like to officially welcome you! 🎉👏


We actually launched a feature last November which allows you to transfer the ownership of a Square account. You can find more details in @AdamB's post here in the Community.

I hope this information is helpful and is able to resolve the issue, but please do let me know if you have any additional questions! 😊

The feature to Transfer Ownership of Your Square Account doesn't work if you have ever taken out a Square Loan, such as getting a PPP Loan through Square, and is NOT a viable solution/alternative to being able to change the account owner name.

Square Community Moderator

Hi @TigerTorreArt,


Thanks for writing back to the Seller Community. 


When it comes to the transfer of account ownership for accounts with loans, it's unfortunately not as straightforward as transferring an account that hasn't had any loans taken out. I understand your frustration as loans are so crucial to businesses, and wish we had a solution for this already. We'll be sure to provide an update once we have a way to make this possible. 



Beta Member

So according to Square the name change feature is a highly requested feature. Mostly requested by us female owners who need to change their last name, I'm sure. However, after almost 4 years this feature is still not available? Seems a little ridiculous that you have to create a new account to change a last name. I tried to just add another person with my new name to the account and couldn't even do that because I don't want to change the email address being used. Get it together Square, this is just one more reason I not very happy with the service. 

Square Community Moderator

Hi @kmw20045 - I see this is your first post in the Seller Community so I'd like to officially welcome you. I am sorry to hear that you've had a bad experience.

It may be possible for you to transfer the ownership of your account to yourself under your new name while using your other current information. As for adding a new Team Member to your account, you should only be experiencing an error if the Team Member has used the same email address on another Square account or if that email address is being occupied by someone else.

If you haven't already, please reach out directly to our Support Team by logging into your Square account and heading here. They will be able to take a look at your setup with you to determine why you aren't able to add this Team Member, which is something we're unable to do here in the Community.