
Owner name change

Owner name change

My last name changed in 2015, but why can I not change it in my account? 

1 Verified Answer
Verified Answer

Re: Owner name change - Status changed to: Not currently planned

Hi @hairbydani - Thanks for reaching out to us here on the Square Seller Community👋


I went ahead and merged your post to an existing thread where other Square Sellers have discussed this topic as well. We merge duplicate conversations together to keep like comments in one place, and to make it easier for others to find the thread in the future. 


At this time, the ability to edit the Owner's name listed on a Square account is a feature request. To learn more about how feature requests work, please see this post from one of our Seller Community Moderators. 


In the meantime, keep an eye out for any updates in our Seller Community.


The owner name of my business account is the name of a terminated employee. How do i change the owner name?


@ryno657 Unfortunately you're not able to change the main account owner name on your Square account. To fix this, you'd need to create a new account with the correct information. 

How to change owner's name

Square Community Moderator

Hey @luciefoundation! Welcome to the Community!

I moved your post to an existing thread in the Community around changing the owner name on the account.


Unfortunately you are not able to do so at this time, so you would need to create a new account under the new owner's name is ownership has changed. 


There's a link in @nika 's post where there's an entire thread of sellers giving feedback around changing the owner name if you'd like to add your feedback and why this would be beneficial for your business. 



I see that in order to change the account owner name you need to create a new account, however how does this affect the current email retention for marketing square appointments and the square business loan? All of these I utilize through square! 

Square Community Moderator

Hey there @thebarberess -


Welcome to the Community! 


Whenever you create a new account, you can migrate some of the information over - items, directory, gift cards, etc.  


For your Capital loan, the new account can be added to your current loan. 


Appointments would create a new profile with the new email address. 

I left the ‘a’ of the end of my first name and need to change it. How can I do so?

Square Community Moderator

Hi there, @hazelbrowneyes 👋 Thanks for taking the time to join us here on the Seller Community! Welcome! We are happy to have you join us. 


One quick clarifying question in regards to your issue - are you looking to edit your business name or the actually name that your Square account is registered to? 


If you are trying to accomplish the latter, and edit the name assigned to your account at activation, you will want to take a look at this Best Answer from Puka here on this separate thread. 


Rather, if you are looking to edit your business name - here is a helpful resource on how to make that happen. 


Let me know if that gets you where you need to be! I will keep an eye out for your response. 



I am a new owner of a already existing business. A square account was set up under the previous owner. How do I change the owner to show my information and not the prior owner? 


Do I have to create a new account? If so, will that require all my employees to have to set up all their personal information again, along with all the business information?


Is there a easier way around this? Is it a problem to keep the previous owners name on the account so I do not need to redo all the information on a new account? 


Thank you!

Super Seller Alumni

Do you happen to have log in access to the previous account?