
Change employee sale attributed to

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Beta Member

Change employee sale attributed to

Our business is a hair salon that operates on commission. Sometimes our employees mis-attribute sales to other people who did not complete the sale. We need a way to edit these transactions and assign them to the correct employee for both accounting and payroll purposes. Because we use Payroll with commission, the employees who did not complete the sale end up getting paid, and the ones who actually made the sale do not. This is unacceptable.

1 Verified Answer
Verified Answer

Change employee sale attributed to

Our business is a hair salon that operates on commission. Sometimes our employees mis-attribute sales to other people who did not complete the sale. We need a way to edit these transactions and assign them to the correct employee for both accounting and payroll purposes. Because we use Payroll with commission, the employees who did not complete the sale end up getting paid, and the ones who actually made the sale do not. This is unacceptable.

Square Community Moderator

Hey there, @user120391123 - 


Right now, you cannot edit the sale an employee has taken. Another seller has brought this to the Ideate Board as a Feature Request. 


I would suggest dropping your vote over there too for our Product Team to see. Here is the exact post


Once they give us some more information, the status on the request to keep you in the loop throughout the process.


Thank you! 

Beta Member

Yes! It is imperative that this feature is added. Without it, reconciliation takes HOURS bi-weekly. It has been on threads for years. I hope that Square will listen to its customers as this is needed.

Is there a way yet to change cashier after sale? Sometimes our front desk gives the sale to the wrong provider and there has been no way to change this. 

Square Champion

@Lauren424 Nope.  There is no way to change any information about a completed transaction, other than adding tips.  I read a few past threads on the subject, and it was clear that Square had no plans to allow this.  They cite various legal and regulatory issues that could come into play were they to allow changes.

Square Community Moderator

Hi @Lauren424 - Thanks for reaching out to us here on the Square Seller Community👋


I went ahead and merged your post to an existing thread where other Square Sellers have discussed this topic as well. We merge duplicate conversations together to keep like comments in one place, and to make it easier for others to find the thread in the future. 


Please see the reply from one of our Community Moderators, @isabelle, which has been marked as the Best Answer to this question


I hope this information is helpful but please do let me know if you have any additional questions.

Beta Member

We are having the same issue. Any resolve to this issue?

Square Community Moderator

Thank you for sharing your interest in this feature @ScarletTattoo I recommend you comment and "like" this post so our Product Team gets visibility of the interest of Sellers in this feature.

I'm having the same issue. I have to manually review transactions. It says collected by :employee but for some reason the sale is Attributed: to me. They are using their passcode and it works for every other employee so I am not sure how to fix this issue.

Please add this feature I have a commission based employee and its costing ME when she rings up services incorrectly. love square but as the owner of my business I should have this capability 

I am having the exact same issue. Are there any updates ?

thanks so much