
Unpublish Vs. No longer taking online orders for today

Yes!!!! An absolute must on this change! We own a little food truck and they always miss selecting their pickup time. ALSO, I need help. I can only take so many orders before we are sold out. We are so busy, we cannot go into setting and change items to sold out. So the only option we have had is for customers to place orders the day before and unpublish the site during work hours to accommodate the preorders. Which leaves us with not leaving site open to receive orders for the following workday. We work Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday 10-4;30. We open the site only on off hours, when we are not at work. 


Can there be an option to click and leave customers a message saying we are no longer taking orders for today BUT you can begin to place your orders for the following business day rather than constantly unpublishing site which leaves customers confused when they get a Code 404. A custom message option would be awesome

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