
Things that should be added to square online

1st thing is a area where people can sign in and sign up to have an account with your website which saves there address, there bank details, there phone number and email in there profile so they don’t have to retype it each time and everything in there cart and also a wish list which brings us to number 2. a wish list where people can select a heart on items they want to save,


3. more customisable text and layout and overall website I would also like to see more options of banners for products like a ‘new’ banner and a ‘sale’ banner 


and 4 the 2nd most important after the login bit but I would like to see a it where you can select different postage costs abs couriers for different items


I think these suggestions above should be available for at least all paid plans


please let me know if you would also like to see these.

  • UK
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