
Subcategories not displaying on live page.

I have one category page which will not display the subcategories on the live site. I can see the subcategories on the site editor, but they do not display after I publish the site. The other categories I setup display the subcategories with no problem and the item pages work as desired.


I have the category page set up exactly the same as the other category pages and the relevant categories setup the same as the other categories. I have gone through all the troubleshooting tips to make sure the items and categories can be displayed. I am not out of ideas and need some support.


website: https://www.marlinslab.com/specialty-sprays 2024-05-14_15-16-56.PNG2024-05-14_15-15-09.PNG

Message 1 of 3
Square Community Moderator

Hi @Karschnik,

Thank you for reaching out, and I apologize for the inconvenience you're experiencing with your subcategories!

I've noticed the same issue on my end after briefly reviewing your site settings. However, everything appears to be in order.

Given that this seems to be a glitch, I'll escalate this matter to our Square Online team for further investigation. We'll work to ensure that those two subcategories appear correctly on the 'For the Scent' page.

Once I receive an update from my team, I'll come back to you in this thread to let you know.

Community Moderator, Australia, Square
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Message 2 of 3
Square Community Moderator

Interestingly, our Square Online team haven't yet been able to replicate the outcome we're both seeing when navigating to the 'For the Scent' page, @Karschnik.

I've taken additional screenshots after clearing my cache and updating my Chrome browser today, as I'm still encountering this issue. We'll revisit this with the team to determine if the issue I'm seeing is browser-specific. 

Can you confirm whether you're still encountering this issue on your end? What browser version are you currently using to access your Square Online site?

Community Moderator, Australia, Square
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Message 3 of 3