
Square Online: Item Page options selector style

Hello, I'm a website designer that works for Square Online sellers.


One of my clients asked if it's possible to change the style of the options/variation selector on Item Pages. Right now, the options/variations must be selected using a drop-down menu.


Checkboxes or radio buttons could be good alternatives for selecting options.


Is there a way to change the style of the options selector?


Thank you for any helpful advice or guidance.



item page options selector styleitem page options selector style

Susan J.
Square Online seller, website designer and artist

Message 1 of 9
1 Best Answer
Square Champion

Best Answer

Hello @taylorandjones thanks for your question. You can edit the drop down and change to radio buttons, just note that change is global across your entire site. You need to go into the item you want to edit, and then Edit Item Details (see screen shot below...left side). If this doesn't appear, click or double click on the drop down area to call up the ability to edit this section. You may receive notification that this change is "global".


Screen Shot 2023-07-27 at 11.58.52 AM.png


Then when you click on Edit Item Details, click on the Add Option to the right side of Drop Down list. (this is cut off on the screen shot below). You can then choose to add a new option with Radio buttons, and then you should be able to delete the original drop down choices.

Screen Shot 2023-07-27 at 12.02.52 PM.png




Screen Shot 2023-07-27 at 11.57.40 AM.png

Homestyle Charlie
Handmade Heirloom Ornaments & Charms
Check our links for retail Etsy orders and Wholesale Ordering Info

View Best Answer >

Message 2 of 9
Square Champion

Best Answer

Hello @taylorandjones thanks for your question. You can edit the drop down and change to radio buttons, just note that change is global across your entire site. You need to go into the item you want to edit, and then Edit Item Details (see screen shot below...left side). If this doesn't appear, click or double click on the drop down area to call up the ability to edit this section. You may receive notification that this change is "global".


Screen Shot 2023-07-27 at 11.58.52 AM.png


Then when you click on Edit Item Details, click on the Add Option to the right side of Drop Down list. (this is cut off on the screen shot below). You can then choose to add a new option with Radio buttons, and then you should be able to delete the original drop down choices.

Screen Shot 2023-07-27 at 12.02.52 PM.png




Screen Shot 2023-07-27 at 11.57.40 AM.png

Homestyle Charlie
Handmade Heirloom Ornaments & Charms
Check our links for retail Etsy orders and Wholesale Ordering Info
Message 2 of 9

this no longer works since the "options" setup is no longer on the online site it is now directly in the "Square Dashboard" do you have a new solution to enable global dropdowns for options??

Message 3 of 9

Thank you very much for taking time to reply @HC_Charlie you are appreciated!


I followed your detailed steps and then went in via this route to change the options format – 

Go to Square > Online > Items > Options > [select option set] 


Your advice has helped me and benefited my client!


Kudos to you!

Susan J.
Square Online seller, website designer and artist

Message 4 of 9

@HC_Charlie Hello again – I have a follow-up question about the Colors format for options:


The color name is visible in the cart, after a color is selected in item details and added to the cart.

Is it possible for the color name to be displayed on the live item details page?


Here's a live item details page with Colors option:



Thank you for any help you can provide!

Susan J.
Square Online seller, website designer and artist

Message 5 of 9
Square Champion

@taylorandjonesI saw what you're talking about on the website. It just shows a circle with a "color" but no name or label. I'm sorry I don't know how to make a name appear as an option. Maybe another seller will have an answer for you...

Homestyle Charlie
Handmade Heirloom Ornaments & Charms
Check our links for retail Etsy orders and Wholesale Ordering Info
Message 6 of 9

Hello again @HC_Charlie 


I have another question about the item option selector format – 


Is it possible to change the default variation/option selector format?


For example, an item is created in Square > POS > Items, and variations are added without designating an option set.

In this case, the Square Online item page automatically created a drop-down option selector.


Screenshots are attached for reference.


Is it possible to change the default variation/option selector format to radio buttons or checkboxes?

This would allow all the variation/option names to be visible to shoppers on the Square Online > Item page.


I appreciate any advice or guidance!


Screen Shot 2023-08-05 at 11.47.47 AM.pngScreen Shot 2023-08-05 at 11.48.25 AM.png

Susan J.
Square Online seller, website designer and artist

Message 7 of 9
Square Champion

@taylorandjonesHello, sorry I can't find an preference to change to make radio buttons a global choice on the site design. I can only see the previous option to select radio buttons once an item is created or added to the website. I think I remember seeing that when I made the change from dropdown to radio button, there was a warning that the change would be site-wide, so I'm not sure if you change it on one item, then new items would follow that same style? Sorry I don't have a definitive answer for you.

Homestyle Charlie
Handmade Heirloom Ornaments & Charms
Check our links for retail Etsy orders and Wholesale Ordering Info
Message 8 of 9

@HC_Charlie Thank you for the fast reply and assistance. 


Yes, per your previous steps, if an option selector (e.g. "Color") format is changed (e.g. to "Colors") for an option set, it is site-wide. I tested this using a few items with the same "Color" option set. 


I'm hoping that another seller or moderator will have information about changing the default selector format (drop-down) site-wide. This would be for items that have selectable variations, but do not have color sets assigned item details.


Many thanks!

Susan J.
Square Online seller, website designer and artist

Message 9 of 9