
Site Items - Duplicating Listings, Adding Stock

This is more of a rant than a question - unless I'm just missing the right buttons to hit and anyone can advise otherwise.


I'm finding it frustrating that the only way to duplicate a listings is to go under my regular Square items rather than being able to do it all under "Site Items" . I'm also frustrated with the fact that in order to add stock, it takes 3 button presses which is makes the process longer than it needs to be when you have multiple variations. Lastly, there needs to be some sort of an update that when you have variations to an item, you should be able to to click one button and have the information copy all the way down. So if I offer 15 different colors, have a quantity 10 of each, and they are all the same weight - I shouldn't have to type that same information over and over again for each variation. Other sales platforms like TikTok Shop have this, I think an update is long overdue. 

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Square Community Moderator

Hello @JackOfAllBraids


Thanks for your feedback.

In order to appropriately send these feature requests to our product teams we’d love it if you'd submit this request on our Ideate page for Square Online.


Our team monitors these boards and we triage them to measure need. You can search the boards to see if this has been requested before and add your use case if so!


Thank you

Community Moderator, Square
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