
Item Image Scaling

Good morning!

I have various images in different aspect ratios depending on the nature of my product. It is not possible to have them all the same aspect ratio and display to the customer properly. I'm wondering if there is a toggle somewhere I missed that will turn item image scaling on or off. I realize we have locked aspect ratios, however, since the ability to modify those ratios doesn't exist, we need to have the ability to scale the image to fit the selected aspect ratio.


At the very least, we need the ability to adjust the image up/down/left/right in order to show the part of the image that we wish to show while still maintaining the locked ratio.


So again, I'm not looking to be able to modify the chosen item aspect ratio, I would like to have the item image scale to fit the chosen aspect ratio, or the ability to move the item image in the selected aspect ratio in order to display the part of the item image I want displayed.


Does this already exist and I just missed it?


Thank you very much,

Brad The Lego Guy

Owner - BTLG Bricks

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