
How to promote my website?

Hii! What are the best ways to promote my business? I sell candles and soaps.

Message 1 of 4
Square Community Moderator

Hey @AmoursSweets 🙂


Welcome to our community and thanks for asking this question! 


SEO is definitely a great way to start driving traffic to your website. Check out this thread where some more seasoned Square Sellers share tips on how to get started. We also shared this blog post with some creative, and effective marketing strategies you can employ. I hope this helps! 

Message 2 of 4
Beta Member

I spend time on social media when possible. Add my link to posts. Download and set up the Meta Business Suite app so you can work on getting FB and IG set up to tag products in posts and be able to have people buy through those posts.


Also get yourself set up with a Google business account and you can utilize their free shopping listings. I have done that and have been able to rank pretty high in their free listings for the brand of luggage I sell.


The rest is going to be anything you can do for SEO (search engine optimization.) I have been working on catching up with mine but make sure you go to your image catalog in square and start adding titles and alt text to those images with descriptions. On the website editor make sure you go to each page settings tab and give your pages good clean URLs and SEO descriptions. There is some good free information on SEO if you look around on google and find some podcasts to listen to. It can be a little tricky but an little bit you can do helps.


Just be active in promoting any way you can and stay visible!

Message 3 of 4
Beta Member

Hello AmoursSweets,


One of more popular questions that is often asked in the Community Forum.  It's one of the first questions that I think most everyone has after they start their online business.  Just having an online presence is only the beginning.  It's an on going process to promote yourself.  I asked ChatGpt your exact question and the response I received was actually pretty good - I just wanted to see if  I was doing some of the right things too.  Below are the details.






Promoting an online candles and soaps business requires a combination of online and offline marketing strategies. Here are some effective ways to promote your business:


1. Develop a professional website: Create a visually appealing and user-friendly website that showcases your products and includes an easy-to-use e-commerce platform for online purchases.


2. Search engine optimization (SEO): Optimize your website content with relevant keywords related to candles, soaps, and your target market. This will improve your website's visibility in search engine results, driving organic traffic.


3. Social media marketing: Leverage popular social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest to showcase your products. Share high-quality images, engage with your audience, and run targeted advertising campaigns to reach potential customers.


4. Content marketing: Create a blog or resource section on your website where you can share informative and engaging content related to candles, soaps, DIY tips, self-care routines, and more. This helps establish your brand as an authority in the industry and attracts potential customers.


5. Email marketing: Build an email list by offering incentives such as exclusive discounts or free guides. Send regular newsletters to your subscribers, sharing product updates, promotions, and valuable content. Personalize your emails to make customers feel special.


6. Influencer collaborations: Partner with influencers or bloggers who have a relevant audience and a strong online presence. They can review your products, share them on their platforms, or create sponsored content to reach their followers.


7. Online marketplaces: List your products on popular e-commerce platforms like Etsy, Amazon Handmade, or eBay. These platforms have established audiences and can help you reach a wider customer base.


8. Customer reviews and testimonials: Encourage satisfied customers to leave reviews and testimonials on your website or social media platforms. Positive feedback builds trust and credibility, influencing potential customers to make a purchase.


9. Collaborate with complementary businesses: Seek partnerships with other businesses that align with your target audience but offer different products or services. Cross-promote each other to reach a wider customer base.


10. Offline marketing: Don't forget traditional marketing methods. Attend local craft fairs, trade shows, or community events where you can showcase your products in person. Offer samples, business cards, and flyers to attract potential customers.


Remember to monitor and analyze your marketing efforts to see what strategies are most effective for your business. Adapt and refine your promotional activities based on the insights you gather to maximize your online visibility and increase sales.



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