
How do I get a parent category to print on the shift report in Square for Restaurants?

I have a parent category for "Alcohol" and sub-categories of "Beer", "Wine", "Liquor", etc. I need the parent category, "Alcohol" to print on the end of shift report that the servers print out. Right now the individual sub-categories are printing, but not the parent category.


I originally had 0 items in the parent category. My thinking was because the sub-categories contained all the items, the system would just know that those items were a part of the parent category as well. Thinking this might be the issue, I tried adding the individual items to the parent category too, but it still isn't printing on the end of shift report.


FYI:  Under Device Management--Service Settings--Closing Procedures is set to print Category Sales and Discount Section, so it should print.


I need this because the servers have to tip-out on their total alcohol sales and it's a pain to have to add up each category at the end of the night to get their total dollar amount on alcohol. I should also state that that "alcohol" is not a display group on the POS layout, so I'm not sure if it says it is printing categories, but is actually printing display groups? 

Message 1 of 3
Square Champion

@mangell totally understand why you need this feature! That makes perfect sense, but I see why it may not work the way you are wanting it too. 
because it’s printing categories, and those subcategories are technically considered categories, it’s not going to print the parent category because it may look like your sales are more than they are. 

category alcohol had x amount of money sold

category wine was x amount 

category beer was x amount

But that wine and beer is accounted for in the alcohol so it almost looks as if it is double on a report. At least the way square does it.


im wondering if you did category alcohol

item wine- and then had different variations in the wine item. 
same with beer

Then at the end of day it would print you the total for the one category you have. 

Lovewell Tea & Coffee//
Ventura, Ca

Message 2 of 3

Did you find a solution? I think having top (parent) reporting would be available. 

Message 3 of 3