
How can I bulk print packing slips or orders?

Is there an option to do this? I can't seem to find it. If not, we need an option to bulk print packing slips or orders in some way. We have a retail gift shop that has recently started receiving 30+ orders a day. Some are for pickup and some ship, so buying the labels and printing the slips that way is not an option. I think we'll likely have to switch to something else if this feature isn't added. It's too much of a pain to go through and have to click through 2-3 prompts to print each slip for 30+ orders. Has anyone found a work around for this?

Message 1 of 3
Beta Member

This would be super helpful and I don't think Square has this feature. We have been individually printing orders from our online store - which we have fulfillment only three days each year, so 500+ orders. It is a real pain to print them each individually. This question has been asked several times throughout the years, and still no resoution from Square.

Message 2 of 3
Beta Member

What is the status of this? We NEED to be able to print multiple packing slips at one tome if we’re going to switch from shopify. This is complete dealbreaker for us. Printing individual slips is insane. Has anyone at squares Dev team actually worked in an online store environment? 

Message 3 of 3