
Feature Request: Track inventory on modifiers

Feature Request: Track inventory on modifiers

The title of this post has been edited from the original: Tracking Modifiers in Inventory


One of the things I sell are archery bows.  When I sell a bow, it comes with a bowstring.  I also sell individual bowstrings.  I track inventory for bows AND bowstrings.  At the end of the day, I would like to see the TOTAL number of bowstrings out of my inventory (strings that went out wilh each bow + the strings sold individually).

The only way I've seen to do this are 1) "sell" a string with each bow, reducing the price to $0.00, or 2) attach a modifier to each bow that has the proper size bowstring automatically attached.  Option 2 would work best for me because I would eliminate employees forgetting to perform the steps in option 1, however I cannot find a way to accurately track my bowstring inventory while employing option 2.

Any suggestions?

98 Replies

As with any standard Restaurant POS system - you should be able to use and ITEM as a modifier.    That item keeps track of it's own inventory, and deducted when used as a modifier option.   
This shouldn't be too hard to implement within the Restaurant POS system as it has been a tested system in many other competing softwares.   This should be a #1 priority with Square as it will open a MAJOR door to the food & beverage market.

Considering this has been a recognized issue and requirement for many shop owners since 2016 it doesn't give me much hope or faith in Square fixing this issue. Having modifiers linked to inventory is a must-need for some of our items that are specialized and available in limited quantities. 

This is now a beta feature

@boldlyforge do you know how to access the beta feature?

@hiddenhabitat  You'd want to join the beta community here:


Once you're a member you'll see the feature under the active tests.


@nika Is one of the beta community leads at Square. She can assist you if you have beta-specific questions.

@nika  Hi, I just joined Square's Beta Community and I am trying to find this feature under Active Tests but cannot. Can you please link or direct me to this feature? Thank you


Hey @ProudestMonkey - our modifiers beta was launched awhile back. Does this article help for what you're looking to do with modifiers?

@Bea Ah, so there is still no way to track modifier inventory numerically? Was the beta just to add the 'in-stock' toggle switch?