
Feature Request: Track inventory on modifiers

Feature Request: Track inventory on modifiers

The title of this post has been edited from the original: Tracking Modifiers in Inventory


One of the things I sell are archery bows.  When I sell a bow, it comes with a bowstring.  I also sell individual bowstrings.  I track inventory for bows AND bowstrings.  At the end of the day, I would like to see the TOTAL number of bowstrings out of my inventory (strings that went out wilh each bow + the strings sold individually).

The only way I've seen to do this are 1) "sell" a string with each bow, reducing the price to $0.00, or 2) attach a modifier to each bow that has the proper size bowstring automatically attached.  Option 2 would work best for me because I would eliminate employees forgetting to perform the steps in option 1, however I cannot find a way to accurately track my bowstring inventory while employing option 2.

Any suggestions?

98 Replies

Hey @StickbowArchery, welcome to the seller community! 🎯


At this time, we don't have a way to deduct multiple items from inventory unless they are entered in separately during the sale. Rest assured that I'll be sharing your experience with our Product Liaison team, who is always working to make improvements.


For now, I would suggest having a look at RCT's process for tracking inventory and modifiers and you might find some useful tools in one of our Items & Inventory partner apps. Hopefully either one of these options helps with tracking your archery equipment.


Please don't hesitate to let us know if anything else comes up!

We second this so much!  Very different use case as we sell mixed drinks but tracking modifiers would be most helpful to track over-pours and such.


Definitely hear you on that, @WC3-Playhouse. We'll update here if anything changes in the future. Thanks!

This is just a request for your development team is it possible you could ask them to update the software to allow us to know how many quantities are used on the modifier a list I do appreciate you adding that to the reports but we put zero sales on a modifier but we'd like to know how many times that particular item  we use it is for a shaved ice business and the main item is the size and the modifier is the particular flavor but because we add the price to the size and not the modifier we have no way of knowing how many of that particular flavor sells. 

 Will this be a possibility in the future or is this something that cannot be done .


Hi @Fenn1974, I moved your post to another thread on this topic. No updates at this time but we'll let you know here if that changes. Thanks for posting!



I would love to see a new feature added to innovatory management.

I would love to see an option to track innovatory with item modifiers. I currently sell a style of necklace, and my customers have a choice of 4 different chain sizes. I would like to be able to have a modifier set up for chain selection, and then have it deduct innovatory from the chains. This was I can keep track of how many of one size chain sells, and how many pendants sell without having to make the chain a separate item.


Thank you for your time in reading my wish.


P.S. Would love if iPhone app could do the category features like the iPad app does. I do not have the space for an iPad, and the big mess of items does make me a little sad when I took so much time to organize them online.


Thank you again

Psi Creations


Hi @Psi - thanks for asking about this.


A few other sellers have also asked for this and shared ways to work around this. Definitely take a look at RCT's process for tracking inventory and modifiers - you may also find some useful tools in one of our Items & Inventory partner apps.


We will also let our Product Team know that you're looking for the Item Grid on the phone app. 
Let us know if you have any tips to share! 



I am a mobile italian ice stand and am mainly a cash based business. I count cups to ensure they line up with cash & sales entered into the square system. But I also keep track as to how many of each size cup I am getting per my bucket of slush. Both analytics are important for my business projections/auditing. 


I was wondering if I there was a feature that kept inventory for modifiers, in a similar manner that it does for items? 


Reason being: 


I currently have my Items set up by the size "Low Tide" "High Tide" "Rip Tide". Then as a modifier they are able to select which flavor was chosen. This helps me to ensure that each cup is accounted for, and that there is a matching transaction in the square system along with the cash or credit cart payment & greatly helps me keep track of when I am running low on cups. 


I also like to keep track of how many scoops I am getting per each bucket. But unfortunately I haven't been able to figure out how to keep inventory on modifiers? 


I used to have my items set up by the flavor, with the modifiers being set up as the cup sizes. Having it set up that way, enabled me to see how many scoops I was getting out of each bucket, but made it very hard for me to audit how many cups were given out daily. 


Does anyone know if there is a way to keep inventory on Modifiers? Or will this be a feature coming in the near future? 


I am sure an Ice Cream stand would benenfit from having this feature as well? 


Thanks for your help! 



Kristen's Cart

Italian Ice

I own an Italian Ice business and have been struggling to find a solution to this as well! 


I started by entering each item by flavor, with the size as a modifier. That way I could see how many scoops I was getting per bucket and which flavors were most poplular. But it was definetly difficult for me to keep track of cup inventory and auditing my employee's to ensure no cups were given away. 


I just recently switched over to keeping the items entered by size, with flavors as the modifiers. Which makes it a lot easier to keep track of cup counting, but now I can not tell which flavors sell best, or how many scoops I am getting out of each bucket. 


I was just curious if you ever found a solution to this problem and how is it that you set up your square register?


I would assume Ice Cream Stands would benefit from this feature as well. So that they are able to keep track of their toppings? 

Square  Recently  updated it you can now track how many of each flavor you sale on the modifier but you have to do it from a computer not on the app and click on Sales  then click on modifiers and then you'll see each modifier item and the quantity even if it shows a zero sales 


 Thank you Square