
Bulk print online orders

Bulk print online orders

Would like a way to bulk / batch print multiple online orders at one time. Doing so individually is very time consuming.

1 Verified Answer
Verified Answer

Re: Bulk print online orders

Had this issue as well with my cookie business. Built a tool to allow you print all your Square Orders in a few clicks.

The tool: CafeKit.io/bulk-print-square-orders 
Video tutorial how to use the tool:


128 Replies

I've been inquiring about this for over a year. I wouldn't get your hopes up 😔

Hello Square,


Any new update on when this feature is coming? it's been over a year since this thread started?


thank you 

Agreed. Square, what is going on with this? Can we print customer's online order receipts in batches anytime soon? 


Currently I have to take each order, "print" it to turn it into a PDF, and then put them together as one PDF so I can print them in half sheets and cut them out. It takes such an obscene amount of time. I used to be able to do this from the "Orders" section of my online dashboard, but now that you've changed the order view from a full page to a pop out screen, I have to do it from Orders in the "Online" section and it takes even longer to load than before. It also requires that I print all the item photos with the receipt.


Please let us know where you all are at with this seemingly simple change.


Thank you

Square Community Moderator

Thank you for taking the time to share your experience. I don't see any updates at this time, but we can make sure to forward this feedback to the product team for you. 

Any joy on this?

Hi, I can’t find the main thread on this request but I’m just looking to see if there’s an update on this? I am so worried I’m going to miss an order when printing and it’s not efficient to have to print each order individually. I don’t understand how this isn’t a higher priority (I see it’s been requested for over a year now)… I didn’t realize this wasn’t a possibility and I will have to switch e-commerce sites if this isn’t something being worked on very soon which I really don’t want to have to do 😩. I know I’m going to miss an order one of these times. If I have 100 orders that would take me at least an hour to print each individually versus 5 seconds if I could just say print all orders from this date to this date…  I don’t see how I can confidently grow my business with the inability to do a batch print of online orders. Please please please make this a feature. Thank you.

Square Community Moderator

Thank you for your feedback, @lisajo713 Bulk printing is not possible at this time, but I can definitely see how this would be a useful for your business flow. We will continue to pass along the feedback from this thread. 


Have you tried exporting your orders to a csv file? This doesn't quite solve your request, but the export option does allow you to specify a date range. You can then use the file as a tool to double check the orders as they are completed. 

Thank you. I do export as a csv for myself but I also need to attach each customer’s individual order “receipt” to their bagged order. 

Square Community Moderator

Thank you for clarifying. This is helpful feedback for the team. 

So if no update is planned, could we at least go back to the way it used to be so we could print individual orders from the Orders page of the Square Dashboard and not have to get to orders via "Online"? This was my process up until very recently and while not ideal is much faster than going into the Online section.