

Verified Answer
Beta Member


Why isn't there a way for customers to enter their email address and be immediately notified when an item is back in stock?


This is powerful for two reason:

  • First and foremost, obviously it pushes sales and customer loyalty.
  • It's an opportunity to capture a customer's contact information and add it to marketing database.
2 Verified Answers
Verified Answer

Re: NOTIFY WHEN BACK IN STOCK - Status changed to: Reviewed

I'm updated the status to "reviewed" as we've received the request and shared it with the appropriate team.

Verified Answer


Why isn't there a way for customers to enter their email address and be immediately notified when an item is back in stock?


This is powerful for two reason:

  • First and foremost, obviously it pushes sales and customer loyalty.
  • It's an opportunity to capture a customer's contact information and add it to marketing database.
Square Community Moderator

Hey @SarahCotta,


Thank you for writing in and sharing this suggestion! 


I can see how having the ability the record your customers details to notify them of a re-stocked item would be useful to have. Currently, this would be a feature request with our eCom team. 


We appreciate you sharing the use case for this, and will share any updates with you here. 



Beta Member

Still nothing?

Square Community Moderator

Hey @SarahCotta


Jumping in for Arie on this thread. 


I still don't have an update or ETA for this Feature Request.


Once more information becomes available one of the Community Moderators will post a Product Update with all of the information. 


Thank you for checking on this. 

It'd be very helpful, for items that are out of stock, for customers to have a "Notify me when this item is back in stock" box to enter their email. I've noticed this on a number of other stores -- it's useful both as a business and as a customer. Thanks!

I’m new to square e-commerce as I recently transitioned from Etsy so I can own my own branding and content.


Things have been going well. There are a bunch of improvements I’d like to see, but the one thing I am missing and feel would be a good tool for business like mine, who do small batch manufacturing of their own products, is a way for customers (potential and existing) to sign up to be notified when something is back in stock.


This is a feature I had at Etsy and was a good way to gauge interest on what products I should prioritize making before others.


if there is a way to do this already I missed it in the ui. If not, please consider adding it. Thanks!

Square Community Moderator

Hey @freeformz,


Glad to have you here.


The ability for customers to sign up to be notified when something is back in stock is not available at this time – but I can see how it would benefit your business.


Please share your suggestions in our Ideate Room here: squ.re/ideate - Our Product Team keeps an eye on this forum as they are constantly improving our products based on feedback like this.


I hope this helps!


I would also love to use this feature

Status changed to: Reviewed

I'm updated the status to "reviewed" as we've received the request and shared it with the appropriate team.