Square Champion

Feature Request: hide street names (address lines 1 and 2) for pickup option

Feature Request: hide street names (address lines 1 and 2) for pickup option


Hi @tranguyen 


Not every business operates from commercial premises and it is therefore necessary to publicise location data differently in these circumstances. If the pickup location is not usually open to the public without a prearranged time to visit, then this needs to be respected in the product pages. Therefore, it would be beneficial for the user to be able to hide the street name of the pickup address shown on the product page - the general location can still be provided much like it is in Airbnb, but only after a purchase has been made is the exact pickup location revealed. 


This would help prevent unscheduled and unannounced visits of the public to the business location.


Thank you. 




Related post: https://www.sellercommunity.com/t5/Square-Online-Feature-Requests/Feature-Request-Preordering-Online... 

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Square Champion

Similarly, it would be helpful if this principle was applied also to the "Location & Hours" section for non-product pages.

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