
Delivery date request on ordering

At the moment when a client orders with scheduling delivery turned on, the website still gives a suggested delivery date 2 steps before checkout!  So most customers will see this as the delivery date of a product they may want on a specific day (a birthday cake for example)


this is causing me many issues as clients are not going as far as checkout assuming that they can’t get the cake the day they want.  

it needs to be that if scheduled delivery is turned on, that the website does not suggest a date, until the client selects when they want the product. 

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Re: Delivery date request on ordering

Hi everyone 👋!


I know this has been a much-sought after feature and I just want to share that the ability to schedule delivery is now available in cart. You can read more about it in our Product Update


Now, when customers are placing an order, they will be change from from ASAP to Later before going to checkout. 


Screenshot 2021-04-09 at 12.35.22.png


If you are running into any issue, please let me know and I can look into it for you! 

2 Best Answers

Best Answer

Hi everyone 👋!


I know this has been a much-sought after feature and I just want to share that the ability to schedule delivery is now available in cart. You can read more about it in our Product Update


Now, when customers are placing an order, they will be change from from ASAP to Later before going to checkout. 


Screenshot 2021-04-09 at 12.35.22.png


If you are running into any issue, please let me know and I can look into it for you! 

Tra | she/her
Community Engagement Program Manager, Square
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Message 90 of 91
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Hi everyone! I want to share a new Pickup & delivery settings that could come in handy. 


Now, within Pickup & delivery times, you'll be able to turn off the Automatically assign pickup/delivery times at checkout. When you turn this off, customers will not be able to see a pickup or delivery time (including ASAP) or be able to schedule orders at checkout. Instead, you can create a short message and instruction to let customers know what to expect. This will be shown during checkout and also included in order notification and confirmation emails.


Screenshot 2021-07-01 at 16.28.27.png


I hope this will help!

Tra | she/her
Community Engagement Program Manager, Square
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Message 91 of 91
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@LittleDragon totally agree that it's needed - but something to bear in mind is that a lot of the current features we're all using heavily were pushed out as fast as possible as the Square team obviously knew how much it could effect business. 

I'm sure that most of these things would have been refined over another 6, maybe 12 months before hitting the stores in normal circumstances - so lets give them a bit of a break 👍🏻



Message 64 of 91
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I'm sure that most of these things would have been refund over another 6, maybe 12 months before hitting the stores in normal circumstances - so lets give them a bit of a break 👍🏻



Message 65 of 91
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Sorry but i don't understand any of what you've said? 

Message 66 of 91
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@LittleDragon typo in my reply - oops! Have corrected now. 

I'm saying that we have features now that can totally be improved on, but we have them now because of how needed they are in the current situation rather than them being in development for another year. 

Message 67 of 91
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Ok mate i get you 👍. I would hope they can solve this issue now rather than later, as you most probably now from being in the pizza game that pizza business's are struggling with a good order system. Square could  clean up here. 

Message 68 of 91
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Hi @LittleDragon and @Sam_400º, thank you for your feedback! 


We've recently made a change to how customer can schedule their pickup on the main ordering page and in the shopping cart rather than at checkout. The team are working to make this work for delivery as well, so I hope to share an update with everyone soon. 

Tra | she/her
Community Engagement Program Manager, Square
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Message 69 of 91
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That's great thank you. 

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@tranguyen - behaves slightly strangely on mobile (iPhone iOS14). 

When you pick a new time you have to enter in on the keypad - so it's not clear what the options are. This also results in it not saying if you enter a time not available, it just defaults back to ASAP. 

The spin wheels would probably be better in the same way as on desktop platforms. 

Screenshot 2020-11-09 at 13.06.50.png

Message 71 of 91
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Thanks so much for flagging that @Sam_400º! I've passed it over to our team for review there, I agree that the desktop flow would make it a better experience.

Tra | she/her
Community Engagement Program Manager, Square
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Message 72 of 91
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Hi...I notice in the 'Delivery' option the purchaser is presented with a today default time option and the only way they can change this is after payment is made. This is confusing. Most e-commerce platforms allow customers to choose the delivery timings after they have paid. 

Does anyone know how this can be improved or how to get around this?

I think with the current design many potential customers won't 'commit' to an order where they perceive they can't change the automated designated time and date before they pay (even though they can later in the process but won't be aware of this) and will drop out of making a delivery purchase

Thanks for any help.

Kind regards

James Thomas

Little Ships Restaurant and Cafe, Ramsgate, Kent, UK

Message 73 of 91
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Hi @littleships, thanks for your post! This is a very popular feature request and I know our team are working on implementing this. At the moment, I don't have any exact date or timeline to share right now but I'll be sure to reach back out once I have an update from the team.


For the moments, I've seed some sellers creating an announcement banner or pop-up on their site to let customers know they can schedule their delivery at checkout. Other sellers have make create modifiers for delivery slots and let the customers select it that way.

Tra | she/her
Community Engagement Program Manager, Square
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Message 74 of 91
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thank you...I have another question

When will Square be including what3words as part of the delivery choice?

Message 75 of 91
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Thanks for sharing this! I haven't come across them before but I'll be sure to flag it with our Product & Partnership team for consideration. 

Tra | she/her
Community Engagement Program Manager, Square
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Message 76 of 91
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We're having exactly the same issue. 


Customers need absolute clarity. 


I run a balloon delivery business with two locations. 


A customer can arrange pick up on a certain date and time however until you get to checkout stage the screens are very confusing and customers will abandon carts. 99% would not go as far as payment section before choosing a delivery date when random dates are given on screen as defalt



Message 77 of 91
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Hi @ESkalli, thanks for your post! At the moment, if you have enabled scheduled delivery, customers will be able to select their time slot at checkout after they have enter their delivery information. 


I know our team are working on a feature that will allow customers to schedule their delivery the same way as pickup. However, I don't have an exact date or timeline to share right now but I'll be sure to follow up on this thread once I have an update from the team.


For the moments, I've seed some sellers creating an announcement banner or pop-up on their site to let customers know they can schedule their delivery at checkout. Other sellers have make create modifiers for delivery slots and let the customers select it that way.

Tra | she/her
Community Engagement Program Manager, Square
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Message 78 of 91
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Hi There 

I hope you guys can help 

Although in my settings i have set scheduled delivery allowed by going to the basket and changing delivery times it brings me to a page were i can only change delivery address ...

if i checkout using pickup option im able to change pickup time.

thank youCapture1.PNGCapture2.PNGCapture3.PNG

Message 79 of 91
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Hi @maximo ,


The scheduled delivery is at the checkout stage after the customer has entered there name, address, email etc. It will then show a section which says deliver ASAP or at a later date.


Hope this helps,


Message 80 of 91
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Hi Ash 

thanks for your reply. Yes correct and it works thanks. But pickup can be scheduled before checkout and much better for customers, I hope in future you can add the same to delivery 

thank you 

Message 81 of 91
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Thanks for your post @maximo (and thanks for stepping in @Ash176)! 


I know our team are working on a feature that will allow customers to schedule their delivery the same way as pickup. I hope to share an update with everyone soon. 


For the moments, I've seen some sellers creating an announcement banner or pop-up on their site to let customers know they can schedule their delivery at checkout. Other sellers have make create modifiers for delivery slots and let the customers select it that way.

Tra | she/her
Community Engagement Program Manager, Square
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Message 82 of 91
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I'm having issues with the delivery time option in the shopping cart. It says change but when you select it it provides no option to select a delivery slot. 


I've taken the Apple Pay and Google Pay options off to encourage customers to the checkout (where you can select a time and date) but this will result in a loss of sales, I feel. 


Is there any way of turning the option off in the cart? Won't be perfect but better than the current model. 


Screenshot 2021-02-02 at 09.32.11.png


Would love some help on this. 🙂





Message 83 of 91
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Square Champion

Have you got a link to your site? 

Are you sure there isn't the option? It's normally at the top once you click on change, where the option is ASAP or Later....



Screenshot 2021-02-02 at 10.53.06.png

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