
Discount Stacking

Discount Stacking

Please make a feature where we can prevent discount stacking!!! We are losing money and so is square!  our loss is significant so im sure square's would be also.  Do we need to appeal to someone who is concerned about Square's income from sales??

1 Verified Answer
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Re: Discount Stacking

I'd love to see toggles to allow for no discount stacking and even for no loyalty rewards when discounting.


Obviously in some cases people might want discount stacking or loyalty to be earned on discounted merchandise but that should be doable via a toggle.


Currently I have a clearance section where everything is $1, ideally I'd like it so they don't earn loyalty on it but it's not the biggest deal. For all of my other promotions I've switched discounting to loyalty because loyalty means I get the cash up front instead of taking the hit immediately. 


I'm currently experimenting with loyalty promotions and my biggest gripe with those is that theres no visual when my employees are ringing up whether the promotions are working and you can't edit said promotions. 


I do have a few outstanding coupons and other promotions but I'm always super careful to put the fine print stating they aren't valid with other coupons, promotions, or discounts.


Online sales are difficult because we don't have that manual touch to prevent stacking but buying in person definitely allows a bit more control over stacking.

29 Replies

Hello, Checking again to see what progress has been made on this issue. We have to manually remove the discounts that stack and doing that is very time consuming and not always remembered by busy staffers.  We are losing money because of these stacking discounts, and so is Square! 


Example: Members of our Wine Club receive Loyalty Rewards.  Those same club members are part of a designated group that receives automatic discounts. When they redeem their Loyalty Reward, the automatic discount is also applied; stacked on top of the Loyalty Reward and often results in a 100% discount. We do not want this stacking to happen.


There are several threads regarding this issue and it has been raised for many, many years - since 2017, at least!   


Thank you!

Square Champion

@isabelle here is one of those old threats we spoke about

Why hasn’t this been updated yet?  This is absolutely ridiculous and one of many reasons that I would not tell and other restaurant owners to switch to square.  It’s just simply not setup with restaurants/bars in mind.  They don’t listen to people using their system and something like this is a very basic function on any other restaurant pos system.  

Square Champion

Hi there,


Just setting up our Christmas coupon offers and multi-buy automatic discounts for our online and in-store offers.


We did another test to see if the stacking issue has been resolved, but sadly its hasn't. 


The online auto discount is a neat function, clearly lays out to the customer the offer and replicates the offer we have in our store. But we can not use coupons for marketing, so we have to switch the auto discount off for online. Such a shame


It would be a really sleek system if this could be resolved. We use both coupons and multi-buys, but not the auto discounts online. Coupons we mail out through the year for marketing campaigns, even the automated emails for lapsed customers etc  and multi-buys in store, but because of the discount stacking issue and the importance to our business of marketing coupons we can not use the neat automatic discounts online. If we use automatic discounts online we can not use the automated email marketing coupons that are sent out to lapsed customers as the coupon is not accepted, so we have to switch the auto discount online off. Not sure what the behind the scene holdup on this is, technically challenging or resource allocation but it seems a shame that you have come along way to stop.


Is there any indication that this will be fixed at some point in the near future.


Many thanks 🙂

We have run into the issue of busy staff accidentally applying two discounts. While it is my responsibility to set ground rules and policies, it would be really helpful to have a feature to disable discount stacking. Or if this is too hard, at least a warning message when a second discount is applied, which prevents accidental discount stacking.

Square Champion

Hello Everyone,


As a user of the loyalty program, I can absolutely understand the frustration of the double stacking issue.  I would suggest to Square that we consider a toggle to allow those businesses that do want to double stack the ability to do so.   We aren't hearing from them at all because the system is doing what they want, or they have adapted to make it work for their needs.


Good input.  Keep it coming and have a Happy Thanksgiving all.

How are you all doing coupon/discount stacking??? I created a whole Black Friday sale around the idea that I could do that and my customers are complaining that it's only applying the highest discount!


I have an automatic 25% discount for one group of items

And then two automatic discounts for a second group of items - 10% for $50+, 20% for $100+


But after adding items from both groups into their carts, it's only applying the 25% discount to the first group of items and nothing to the second group of items. 


I tried creating a coupon code for the 25% so that the other two automated discounts would just do their thing but when the automatic discounts are applied, it won't allow adding a coupon code to the order!?


So what on earth is going on??? I'm trying to do literally the thing you guys are complaining about and it isn't working. lol 

@SDC_MD  Sounds like you’re doing it via square online this entire thread is about at the register specifically with square retail or square for restaurants. 

online discounts are a completely different animal

If the issue isn't resolved soon, I'm going to cancel the Loyalty feature with Square at the end of this year.