
Need a Capital Miracle

First, I want to say thank you to Square for my first capital at the end of [Personal Information Redacted]. It came at a time when we needed it and it helped our moving business take a few steps forward in growing. I have thankfully finished paying off our loan in about 6 months. It's my first year in business and anyone who knows anything about the moving business knows summer is the peak of the season for people to move. A lot of the times we have to rent a 2nd truck for our double bookings which ultimately is eating away a lot of our profits. So a 2nd loan is what we need to purchase a 2nd truck, maintenance on our truck and advertising for the busy season officially starting in about 2 weeks. Our credit card sales alone for last year (that started in April 2017 when I started with square) was almost [Personal Information Redacted]. With our checks and cash payments we made well over [Personal Information Redacted] and if we get this 2nd loan offer I expect our numbers to double that since we have awesome reviews on Yelp, Google, and Facebook. As I made my last payment for my loan it said I was not eligible without any explanation. I have already emailed square and received their automated response than once I become eligible they will notify me. I just wish I knew the reason so I can move forward or see what I can do to change. There are only two things on my account that may be a hindrance and should not be if it is. I had a chargeback from an older gentleman who did not recognize the name and charge on his credit card because he read our name differently other than what he thought. After much back and forth it was reversed and put back in our favor. The 2nd one was a chargeback that came back as a fraud. Unfortunately, this ended up being a true fraud. To make a long story short the person who booked the move with us did it over the phone and was supposedly paying for it for someone else. I got his ID and email correspondence but unfortunately since I keyed in the credit card information on my phone instead of the computer they were not able to fight it back I guess. Nonetheless, I paid back the chargeback of [Personal Information Redacted] in about 5 days. I really hope these are not the reasons for holding us back from getting a 2nd loan. If it is I just hope that Square can give a chance because I just know this will double our profits and Square will gain from this too! Either way ,thank you Square for your help! 

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Square Champion

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Hi @jrmoving - Congrats on your business growth! @VanKalkerFarms posted some helpful articles and you can also check out: How to Get Noticed by Square Capital.


I encourage you check out our guidelines around Capital and the Seller Community that we recently posted. We are not the appropriate venue to ask for new offers or account details since these forums are public. Hopefully, some other sellers might be able to share some tips they've found worked. Best of luck and your business sounds incredible!

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