
Why has square become so buggy in the last year?

We've had our system crash so often when connecting a reader (it disconnects anytime there's a lull in customers) Our inventory management is now acting strange. The response time for doing anything has doubled in the last year.  I've loved square for the first eight years we used you, but it's getting to be more trouble than we can take.  Are you planning to make it quicker and more stable?  

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Square Champion

Hello @TJae101 !


The biggest thing I can recommend is to stay on top of all OS updates and app updates. Especially on the iOS side of things, there have been quite a few zero-day exploit bugs found and squashed, all which required updates to the OS source code. When the source code gets updated, apps that rely on that code have a tendency to break. Square has been releasing updates all over the place to try to keep up plus updates to the core app itself. Running a version or two behind can really cause some random problems--like reader disconnects and random crashes.


Latest iOS is 15.4.1, latest Square version is 5.88.1


As for the inventory management, I noticed some problems with that this last weekend too. Hopefully that'll get fixed sooner than later!

Ryan Wanner
Golden Pine Coffee Roasters
Colorado Springs, CO, USA

Square Champion: I know stuff.
Beta Tester: I break stuff.
he/him/hey you/coffee guy/whatever.

Happy Selling!
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