
How do you advocate with Square when they refund your money to a client who violated their contract?

Square keeps refunding the people who are charged a fee for no show and have a signed contract agreeing to pay this fee. Yet when they dispute the transaction to Square, Square rules in their favor despite the contract violation. What do you do about such double standards?


Message 1 of 2
Square Champion

The issue is that Square is not the arbiter of the decision nor who they are disputing the charge with.  That solely lies with the customer's bank that issued the credit card, always has and always will.  Is it fair, bluntly no.  But that is the way the industry is set up.  Contract disputes would have to be determined in small claims court.  Square will present the evidence of the transaction on your behalf, but has 0 power in the decision that is made.  

Not the answer you are looking for I am sure, but I have been collecting credit card payments for 35 years and it has always been an issue, though it used to be more favorable to the seller in the earlier time of CC transactions.

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