
Mobile Check Deposit is Rejecting Checks

The title of this thread has been edited by a Square Moderator from the original: "Square's Automated System has now Rejected 2 Legitimate Checks - Anyone else experience this issue?"


I had never encountered this issue before attempting to deposit a check from a regular vendor, which was the same amount as a previous check from them.


I have successfully deposited checks from other vendors without any problems, but this particular issue with Square needs to be resolved. I recently had a second check from the same vendor rejected again.


The first time, Square's system flagged the check as a "Duplicate" because it matched the amount of a previous check, even though the date, check number, and my endorsement were different.


Upon attempting to deposit the check, I immediately received an email stating it was a "Duplicate" and would not be deposited. I contacted Square "Support," who reviewed the issue, escalated it, and advised me to try again.


When I tried again, the system rejected it again with an email saying it would not be deposited if attempted further. I called back, and was told by the "checking team" that they would not deposit the check, confirming this in an email. This was the only reason given, despite my proof that the check had a different number, date, and naturally varying signatures.


As a result, I had to contact the issuer, return the check, and wait a month for a reissued check. This process was difficult as the issuer's accounting department did not understand the problem.


The issuer, a school, assured me the funds were available as the payment came from their main account. They reissued the check for 5 cents more to avoid the "Duplicate Check" issue, but the new check was also instantly rejected.


Once again, the check had a different date and number, and my endorsement naturally varied. This should not have been an issue.


I called Square again, only to be told after 44 minutes that nothing could be done because the system had already rejected the check. When I asked why, I was told the system’s decision was final and could not be overridden by a human.


This payment is significant for my small business, and I don’t have other bank accounts. I need to know if anyone else has experienced this issue with Square, as I am considering leaving them entirely—website, processing, everything—due to their inability to resolve this problem caused by their own system.

I ended up calling a second time and spoke with, I believe, "Anthony," who assured me that the issue would be "escalated" and I would receive an answer within 24 hours. It has now been three days, and I am still waiting for a response.


If someone from Square sees this, please be aware that your Mobile Check Depositing System has a significant issue preventing legitimate checks from being deposited.


I cannot get any help otherwise. When I called a third time about the second check, the response was, "You need to contact the issuer of the check."


I have already gone through a lengthy ordeal to get a second check, yet the system remains broken.


Square, this is not my issue to fix. It is yours.

Message 1 of 4
1 Verified Answer
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Re: Square's Automated System has now Rejected 2 Legitimate Checks - Anyone else experience this issue?

Hi @Joel-OShotz - I'm sorry to hear that this issue has brought you to the Seller Community.


Firstly, thank you for reaching out to us about this issue. I was able to connect with a member of the Banking Operations Team. Here is what they let me know:

"Unfortunately, there is no way for us to manually push these checks through. The Seller will need to deposit them at another institution or get a different check type from the issuer. Due to how these checks were made, we are not able to accept them. The item itself is missing a check number listed in the MICR line (the data in black ink on the bottom of a check) without that information, the check is non-negotiable through mobile deposit. We understand this is frustrating and apologize for any inconvenience this may cause."

I hope this information is helpful, but please do let me know if you have any additional questions.

1 Best Answer
Square Community Moderator

Best Answer

Hi @Joel-OShotz - I'm sorry to hear that this issue has brought you to the Seller Community.


Firstly, thank you for reaching out to us about this issue. I was able to connect with a member of the Banking Operations Team. Here is what they let me know:

"Unfortunately, there is no way for us to manually push these checks through. The Seller will need to deposit them at another institution or get a different check type from the issuer. Due to how these checks were made, we are not able to accept them. The item itself is missing a check number listed in the MICR line (the data in black ink on the bottom of a check) without that information, the check is non-negotiable through mobile deposit. We understand this is frustrating and apologize for any inconvenience this may cause."

I hope this information is helpful, but please do let me know if you have any additional questions.

Community Moderator, Square
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Message 2 of 4
Square Community Moderator

Best Answer

Hi @Joel-OShotz - I'm sorry to hear that this issue has brought you to the Seller Community.


Firstly, thank you for reaching out to us about this issue. I was able to connect with a member of the Banking Operations Team. Here is what they let me know:

"Unfortunately, there is no way for us to manually push these checks through. The Seller will need to deposit them at another institution or get a different check type from the issuer. Due to how these checks were made, we are not able to accept them. The item itself is missing a check number listed in the MICR line (the data in black ink on the bottom of a check) without that information, the check is non-negotiable through mobile deposit. We understand this is frustrating and apologize for any inconvenience this may cause."

I hope this information is helpful, but please do let me know if you have any additional questions.

Community Moderator, Square
Sign in and click Mark as Best Answer if my reply answers your question.
Message 2 of 4
Square Champion

That's interesting that the check doesn't conform to normal check standards.  I've only ever used mobile deposit for my investment account a few times so didn't know that there were things that could be missing from a check that would still work in person but not on a scan.  But at least we now have an answer.

Message 3 of 4

First off, why couldn't your support have given me this information a month ago when I first asked why the check wouldn't be deposited? Your support is seriously lacking. I called four times, and nobody provided this answer. It would have saved me over a month of frustration and allowed me to address the issue with the issuer promptly.


Second, after looking up what a MICR line is, I see you are correct—it doesn't include the actual check number. I'll inform the issuer that their checks are being printed incorrectly.


Third, I appreciate you finally answering my question. I don't understand why support couldn't have done what you just did. They only sent me an email stating the check wouldn't be accepted, without any explanation.

I guess I'll just come here next time I have an issue cause phone support gets a 0 in my books.

Message 4 of 4