
Intake Forms

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Square Champion

Intake Forms

I would love to see an Intake Form feature with Square Appointments. A customized template that is required for clients to complete as they book an appointment would be incredibly useful.


This would help us gather more information from clients before they come in. This would also save my team time on the back end. Many businesses currently have to email out our consent forms to each new client and make sure it is complete before their appointment. It would be easier if the client had to complete the form as part of the online booking process.


I know Contracts can be sent to clients after the fact, but they are not quite the same as intake forms during the online booking process. 

1 Verified Answer
Verified Answer

Intake Forms

I would love to see an Intake Form feature with Square Appointments. A customized template that is required for clients to complete as they book an appointment would be incredibly useful.


This would help us gather more information from clients before they come in. This would also save my team time on the back end. Many businesses currently have to email out our consent forms to each new client and make sure it is complete before their appointment. It would be easier if the client had to complete the form as part of the online booking process.


I know Contracts can be sent to clients after the fact, but they are not quite the same as intake forms during the online booking process. 

Beta Member

Yep, I am giving my money to jot forms every month to have electronic fillable consent forms available to my customers to be emailed or texted from our shop cell phone to be filled out b4 their appointment booked with us via phone call as I don't offer online booking..... And Yes!! Let's start that thread about customized text messages since I can't seem to add a note to the appointment that a customer can view when the conformation is made by text (can only add a note via email confirmation). I want to be able to tell people about the cancellation policy. I should be able to have this as a set note sent with each confirmation text or email.

Beta Member

Yessssssss! We need this so bad. I love using square for the rest of my business but the only reason I can’t use the appointments feature is because of not being able to add an intake form into the booking flow. It would be a game changer to have this feature. Quite annoying to have to use a different company for online book ONLY because this is so important in my business. Square is usually the best and first to a lot of things. I’m not sure why square is so late to something that every other company already does. I hope it comes soon. 

As a tattoo shop owner it would be great if you could integrate an electronic waiver for my clients to fill out similar to waiverelectronic.com

Beta Member

Adding another request here for better options for intake forms! Need them to be part of the booking flow for new clients. Need to be able to personalize them better than contracts (Would love to have text response fields and simple yes and no buttons, not just initials) As others have said we know it is possible with other providers, please bring it here to us Square!

Square Community Moderator

Hey there, @Maxmeano - 


Thank you for reaching out about this. I have moved your post to an ongoing Feature Request other sellers have commented their interest as well. 


This is a useful tool for our Product Team to use as they build the future of our products. As more information becomes available, a Community moderator will come in and change the status letting all of the subscribed sellers know.



Square Community Moderator
Status changed to: Open
Beta Member

Would pay extra for this as well as being able to customize the automated texts. Please listen to the community

Beta Member


Is this the start of a customize able booking flow? I have this pop up in my dashboard but no clear way to use it. I want to start by using custom fields to collect custom information but dont see where to turn it on. Booking Flow.png


Are there instructions somewhere for how to use this feature? 

Beta Member

So It appears square has recently rolled out customizable intake forms.  I havent started using them yet but so far I like what I see.  I will set aside some time do to testing of the functions before rolling out. 


1.) This looks to be band aided together using existing square technology.  Its not super intuitive how it rolls between appointments, contracts and customers and also linked to the communication tab.   This will need to be brought out on its own "intake forms" type tab. Im a square power user and find it hard to navigate. 


2.) So far it looks like we are on the right track. Customizable forms, that I select the send rules for based on client parameters and service parameters. Good job. 

Square Champion

@Innerglo Collecting customer profile fields is not quite an intake form. It may serve to collect important information about the customer, but it would not address getting information regarding the service they are booking.