
Block Clients

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Block Clients

We really need the ability to block certain clients from scheduling.  No just declining them. There are those finding ways around the decline by utilizing another email address etc. Thank you

6 Verified Answers
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Re: Block Clients

This forum doesn't seem to work getting this feature to the proper channels. It for the customer to feel like they are getting some where but they are not. Maybe start to go to twitter and call them out because at this point Square has shown that they are NOT for solo practitioners and their safety! It has been YEARS of this now. YEARS!!! 35 pages of this request up to this point.  Look into GlossGenius for booking if you are a esthetician or massage therapist.  

Verified Answer

Re: Block Clients

Agreed! This has been one of the features missing. I used to use an online booking system that allowed you to toggle or “turn off” booking ability for that client specifically. I typically don’t have an issue with clients booking online but when they are not a fit with my business anymore and can’t respect my time, it’s necessary. This is a feature that is needed, regardless of no show protection being in place. 

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Re: Block Clients - Status changed to: Has Product Insight

Hi all 👋 Apologies for the delayed response here but I have returned with some insight from the Square Appointments Product Team! I'll share what they've told me below:

"We don’t have a specific feature for this yet but it’s on our roadmap this year. H
owever, many of our Appointments Sellers are already enrolled in Risk Manager, and can use the Risk Manager’s “Block payment cards” feature to block buyers from booking if the Seller has prepayment or no-show turned on. Unfortunately, there isn’t a good way to block clients from booking if the Seller doesn’t use prepayment or no-show, but this is on our radar for this year."

To learn more about how feature requests work, please see this post from one of our Seller Community Moderators. In the meantime, keep an eye out for any updates, here, in our Seller Community. We appreciate your input! 🙂


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Block Clients

We really need the ability to block certain clients from scheduling.  No just declining them. There are those finding ways around the decline by utilizing another email address etc. Thank you

Verified Answer

Re: Appointments feature request: Block Clients

Hi @mikethebarber


Nothing new to report on this at the moment, but it seems to be gaining more interest lately so hopefully we can figure out a way to help with situations like this. 


One workaround that you can use would be to switch the Reservation Guarantee in your Appointments Settings to "Business must accept or decline all appointment requests". 


This allows you to have more control over who actually books up time slots on your calendar. 

Verified Answer

Re: Appointments feature request: Block Clients

Hey there @UrbanShaveSD


Thanks for sharing this feedback. I can totally see where this feature would be useful for difficult clients and I'll share your feedback with the Appointments team. I've moved this to the Feature Request board where we can track this request.

356 Replies

I'm sorry @meggyj113, but we're still working on getting this added. Appreciate you taking a minute to add your voice to this thread.

[The title of this thread has been edited from the original: Blocking Clients]


Is there any way to block clients? I’m not talking about confirming or declining each individual person; there are some previous customers I’ve had that have either violated my policies, continuously book and don’t show, or have been a pain to deal with and I’d like to request a “Block” feature all together. It’s not fair that all of my clients have to be put on this confirmation wait list when it’s a few particular people that can be dismissed all together. 


Hello @Jadamonet,

Thank you for posting in the Seller Community. Welcome.


I'd be happy to look into this for you. Do you mind providing us your booking site please? I would like to look into this with our Appointments Team. Thank you.


Please let me know by replying in this thread. I'll keep an eye out for your response.




Thank you for your patience. I have confirmed that a this point, we do not have the ability to block customers from booking Appointments. It would be considered a feature request.


We definitely see how it could benefit your business model. Our teams are constantly looking through our seller's feedback to make necessary improvements, and we will be sure to let you know if anything ever changes or if new updates are released. 

I've been having problems with  entering 4111 111 1111 and phoney cvv and exp. Why is Square not verifying these cards for us?

It’s never happening, I wanted this feature 3 years ago and Square, a multi billion co., is still “working” on it when the small guys like Genbook and Booksy has it. 

Square Community Moderator

Hi there, @bbt2020. I can confirm that this functionality is in development. I am personally tracking requests here from the Seller Community in order to vocalize to each Seller when this blocking feature becomes available. Thanks for your patience! 

With SO many request for this why isn't the Square Team making this a priority?  I would love a response from the square team.

Square Community Moderator

Hi @deboraham12 - we field thousands of feature requests each week here on the Seller Community, and bringing these features to fruition often takes an ample amount of time and effort from our engineers. We want to ensure that our releases are not just surface level products, but the best all-around resources to help you grow your business.

These requests also span an array of different aspects of our products; some are more major, while some are periphery features. Our Product Teams do have a road-map for future additions to our offering, but the nature of our work includes trial, error, and set-backs. So sharing a timeline would be far from accurate and more than likely cause more confusion and angst. 

We understand that it might be difficult waiting for something to be built out, but our engineers are working on various different requests brought up by our sellers, and working with Apple, Google, and our other partners in order to approve these changes and be able to push them out in future updates.