Celebrating Sellers for International Women’s Day: Tamyra, Paunchy Elephant

International Women’s Day is March 8th and we’re taking this opportunity to celebrate some super women in business, namely Square ChampionsWe recently spoke with Tamyra, @Tamyra_Paunchy, of Paunchy Elephant, a family-owned, certified organic food and beverage manufacturer located in Renton, WA. Learn how they provide their customers space to relax and who Tamyra's biggest source of inspiration is.



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Tamyra, Paunchy Elephant

Website: paunchyelephant.com


What adjectives would you use to describe your business?

Fun, flavorful, organic, indulgent, sweet, tasty, family-owned.


Tell us something about your business that others might not know.

We are a small business that started out as a hobby and slowly grew, over the past decade, to one that now sells in more than 10 states around the US (and counting)!


What makes your business unique?

Our business is unique in that we make all of our products by hand in a small, commercial kitchen and in addition to using organic ingredients and sustainable packaging we try to invoke a bit of nostalgia with every bottle. Our goal is to give our customers a bit of a break from their everyday, busy, sometimes chaotic lives. We invite each and every one of our customers to allow us to save them time, energy, even space to relax as they enjoy our products. While doing so we will even take care of the philanthropic portion of their lives, donating a percentage of all of our sales to charity.


As a woman in business, what challenges have you faced?

As a woman-owned, minority-owned and led business we've faced challenges with access to funding, balancing business and home life, making authoritative first impressions, and finding a mentor in the industry that's built the type and size company I am working to create.


Are there any women in business that you look up to?

Fawn Weaver.


What advice would you give to women considering starting their own business?

Stay true to your purpose, your calling, and carve your own path. On the journey you'll meet a lot of people that try to tell you the way it 'should be' done and what they've seen in their time around. Take advice, heed warnings, and try to learn something from everyone, but stay true to you. Your journey is not going to be like theirs.


Who has been your biggest source of inspiration?

My family, especially my immediate family. They've been through the 19 career changes, the goal-setting, failing and starting again. It's hard to go through but it's also hard to watch someone you love go through. Change, challenge, and time are necessary for triumph though. Besides the customers I get to meet and swap stories with, as I get older and gain more experience, I've come to appreciate that as one of the best parts of this journey. 


Thank you, Tamyra!  


Did you know that the Seller Community has an online group specifically for women in business? Join togetHER today.



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