Celebrating Sellers for International Women’s Day: Michelle, Savage Goods

With International Women’s day around the corner, we’re chatting to a few of our fabulous Square ChampionsWe caught up with Michelle, @mksavage, from Savage Goods to learn how she continues to create a work environment that benefits her staff and where she finds inspiration.


Savage Goods is your El Paso, Texas “neighborhood cafe”, serving breakfast, lunch, brunch, coffee and delectable sweet treats and more. 


The Breakfast Burger, Savage Goods. Follow them on Instagram @savagesoods.The Breakfast Burger, Savage Goods. Follow them on Instagram @savagesoods.


Michelle, Savage Goods

Instagram @savagegoods  

Website https://savagegoods.square.site 


What adjectives would you use to describe your business?

Local, fresh-made, delicious!


Tell us something about your business that others might not know.

We make everything in-house — donuts, bread, pretzel buns, aiolis, granola — everything!


What makes your business unique?

We are committed to creating a positive work environment for our team, where they feel supported, seen, cared for, as well as challenged and empowered to grow.


As a woman in business, what challenges have you faced?

We have found that most of our mentors and advisors along the way have been men. We often long for a female voice and perspective to help us in this journey.


What advice would you give to women considering starting their own business?

Ask as many questions as you can, but trust your gut. You know the right thing to do.


Who has been your biggest source of inspiration?

We take a ton of inspiration from other restaurants and cafes from around the country (including several owned by other Square Super Sellers — looking at you Lovewell Tea & Coffee!).


Thank you, Michelle!  


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