
Suggestion: Customize SMS notification for Square Appointments

Verified Answer

Suggestion: Customize SMS notification for Square Appointments

The ability to customize the email notifications is great, however the sms notification is very limited. Allowing customization, if possible, would be a welcome upgrade.

3 Verified Answers
Verified Answer

Re: Is there a way to customize the text messages for appointment confirmations?

This reply was created from merging an existing thread: Is there a way to customize the text messages for appointment confirmations?


@nailsbyjlyn @Kenzi Right now you can only edit the email confirmations for Square Appointment and we're tracking the request to be able to edit text messages too! We'll share any updates in this thread.


@Kenzi You can change the cut-off time that a client can cancel an Appointment from the Calendar & Booking section of your Appointments Dashboard: 

  1. Scroll down to Online Scheduling.
  2. Click on the dropdown menu below Cut-off time for allowing clients to cancel or reschedule > choose a new time.
  3. Click Save.

Verified Answer

Re: Suggestion: Customize SMS notification

Hi @Mackay! Thanks for bringing this up. 🙂


I'll be sure to flag this with our Appointments Team who is tracking notification requests. Appreciate your flexibility in the meantime, and please don't hesitate to check in for updates.

Verified Answer

Suggestion: Customize SMS notification for Square Appointments

The ability to customize the email notifications is great, however the sms notification is very limited. Allowing customization, if possible, would be a welcome upgrade.

159 Replies


It would be so helpful if we could do more customization for SMS messages with our clients!

Being able to customize SMS is one of the things that will make or break whether I stay after my free trial. 😞 

It would be very helpful to be able to customize SMS/Text reminders most especially in these times of COVID-19 when business's like mine have special requirements such as reminder that mask are required and to check their temperature prior to coming to their appoinement.

Square Community Moderator

Hey @unknottingyou,


It looks like this is an existing feature request I found by search on here.


I moved your post there so our product team can track requests!

Hi @nika,


Can Square create automatic Zoom links and passwords to send to clients? Other appointment schedulers do this. It saves the business owner from having to 1) go on Zoom, 2) set up an appointment on the Zoom calendar (duplicating the work the scheduler did on Square), 3) create a link and password, 4) send that link and password to the client.


In other words, if Square would do it, it would save us 4 steps with each client. I'd like to keep using Square's appointment scheduler, but those 4 steps are a problem during this time when all of my appointments need to be online.


If Square isn't coordinated with Zoom, can the team work on coordinating it? Thanks for your help.





@MusicTeacherSuz We don't integrate with Zoom but I can see how that would be super convenient during these times of social distancing. I'll pass along this feedback to our developers!

I don't understand why I can't customize my text messages to my clients.  This seems like a very basic feature that is critical.  I need to alert patients that we have changed locations, and give them a message in the text message when appointments are made.  Why is this feature available in emails, but still not available in text message?  

We offer multiple services, and depending on the service, the customer may need different information in the booking confirmation email.  is there a way to customize these messages based on the service they are booking for?  


Hey @TrainColorado-


Thanks for posting in the Seller Community.


As of right now these are the only communications we offer with Square Appointments. None of which are service specific. 


You may include a description with each service, and include some instructions or details within that description. I hope that helps.


Thank you for surfacing this limitation. I've passed this along to the appropriate team as a feature request.