
Suggestion: Customize SMS notification for Square Appointments

Verified Answer

Suggestion: Customize SMS notification for Square Appointments

The ability to customize the email notifications is great, however the sms notification is very limited. Allowing customization, if possible, would be a welcome upgrade.

3 Verified Answers
Verified Answer

Re: Is there a way to customize the text messages for appointment confirmations?

This reply was created from merging an existing thread: Is there a way to customize the text messages for appointment confirmations?


@nailsbyjlyn @Kenzi Right now you can only edit the email confirmations for Square Appointment and we're tracking the request to be able to edit text messages too! We'll share any updates in this thread.


@Kenzi You can change the cut-off time that a client can cancel an Appointment from the Calendar & Booking section of your Appointments Dashboard: 

  1. Scroll down to Online Scheduling.
  2. Click on the dropdown menu below Cut-off time for allowing clients to cancel or reschedule > choose a new time.
  3. Click Save.

Verified Answer

Re: Suggestion: Customize SMS notification

Hi @Mackay! Thanks for bringing this up. 🙂


I'll be sure to flag this with our Appointments Team who is tracking notification requests. Appreciate your flexibility in the meantime, and please don't hesitate to check in for updates.

Verified Answer

Suggestion: Customize SMS notification for Square Appointments

The ability to customize the email notifications is great, however the sms notification is very limited. Allowing customization, if possible, would be a welcome upgrade.

159 Replies

Hey there!


I'm talking about the Square Appointments reminders that automatically send for clients to confirm their appointment. Some clients prefer text messages and some choose email reminders. 


Got it. Thanks @Sweesh!


You'll want to login to your Online Dashboard and head to the Appointments section. Within that page, click Communications. When you scroll down to Email Notification Customization, you can choose to customize your email notifications there and add in any information that you need your clients to see after they've booked.


Let us know if you have other questions about this or anything else!


Is there a way to customize what my text and email reminders say for square appointments? I want to add in my late policy 


Check out my answer above @jpowers!

I have been looking all over and the information I find is that I can customize a text reminder in the communications tab. However, when I go to that section, the only thing I can customize is whether or not I want clients to confirm their appointments and when reminders will be sent. There is a section for customizing the wording of e-mails, but most of my clients prefer text message.  I really need to include on their reminders that they must wear masks to appointments now.


Thanks for your help.


When a client books a time through the appointment app, is there anyway to automate a zoom link from my account and send that link to the client through the automatic response email?

Square Community Moderator

Hey @SSClark


Under the Communications tab you can customize the email reminders that are sent, not the text message. The text message customization would be a Feature Request, right now. 


I would be happy to tag this for our Appointments Team, so they can see your feedback. 


Thank you!


Hi @susie_kagami!


You're able to customize the confirmation message that's sent to your clients after they book an appointment. Check out the info I posted above on this thread. From there, you can add the zoom link!

I would like to add a "form" link to my confirmation texts/emails. I have already created the form but am having trouble adding the link to the automatic text/email assistant when clients are scheduling/confirming appointments


Hey @SaltyBlonde! Thanks for writing in!


There's not a way to edit text confirmations quite yet, but you are able to edit appointment confirmation emails as you can see here.


Hope this helps. Let us know if you think of any other questions!