
Suggestion: Customize SMS notification for Square Appointments

Verified Answer

Suggestion: Customize SMS notification for Square Appointments

The ability to customize the email notifications is great, however the sms notification is very limited. Allowing customization, if possible, would be a welcome upgrade.

3 Verified Answers
Verified Answer

Re: Is there a way to customize the text messages for appointment confirmations?

This reply was created from merging an existing thread: Is there a way to customize the text messages for appointment confirmations?


@nailsbyjlyn @Kenzi Right now you can only edit the email confirmations for Square Appointment and we're tracking the request to be able to edit text messages too! We'll share any updates in this thread.


@Kenzi You can change the cut-off time that a client can cancel an Appointment from the Calendar & Booking section of your Appointments Dashboard: 

  1. Scroll down to Online Scheduling.
  2. Click on the dropdown menu below Cut-off time for allowing clients to cancel or reschedule > choose a new time.
  3. Click Save.

Verified Answer

Re: Suggestion: Customize SMS notification

Hi @Mackay! Thanks for bringing this up. 🙂


I'll be sure to flag this with our Appointments Team who is tracking notification requests. Appreciate your flexibility in the meantime, and please don't hesitate to check in for updates.

Verified Answer

Suggestion: Customize SMS notification for Square Appointments

The ability to customize the email notifications is great, however the sms notification is very limited. Allowing customization, if possible, would be a welcome upgrade.

159 Replies
Square Community Moderator

No update at this time @MMicroblading!


If there ever is one implemented- we'll be sure to update the thread!


For now we're tracking requests. 

I love the function of allowing my clients to reschedule/ confirm/ cancel right from the text message, but I have clients try to ask me a question through the assistant. They think they are texting ME directly by replying to the text because it says right on the text "reply to chat with our automated assistant". 


If the only thing the client can do is confirm/ reschedule or cancel, can this line be deleted? or at the very least change it to "if you have any questions or concerns please don't hesitate to call us at XXX-XXX-XXXX"


I don't want to turn OFF the assistant because I like the ease of them being able to update/ confirm right from the text.  


Thanks so much!

Is there an ability to edit text message notifications yet?  This is frustrating because the automated message is completely wrong for my business.  Everyone communicates via texting and I need control over what the message says.

Square Community Moderator

Hey @massagesarah,


No updates yet but if there ever is one implemented- we'll be sure to update this thread to inform you all! 

C'mon Square, you are almost at the 5 star ranking! We need custom text messages and liberty to send text confirmations on demand. 2020!!

Square Community Moderator

Thanks for the encouragement on this one, @aliasaking 😅📈 Hopefully we will have some good news to share with you on this front in 2020!

I am wondering if it’s possible to customize the automated reminder sent to the customers prior to their appointment. I am moving locations for my business and I would like to include the new address in there reminder. Does anybody know if this can be done


Hey @Heathershair! Happy to have you here in the Seller Community. 😀


You're able to customize email appointment reminders, but customizing text reminders is currently considered a feature request.


Give us a shout if you think of any other questions, or feel free to contact our Appointments team!

When an appointment is booked, the appointment reminder does not show the client the pricing on their end. Is there a setting to change this? I believe the pricing used to show when I first started using Square a few years ago.

Square Community Moderator

Hey @BeautyKnight1! Welcome to the Community.


I merged your thread with an existing thread that had the same question.


You can customize your email reminders by following the directions in this Support Center page under Manage Appointment Communications.


Let me know if you have any other questions. Happy to help!