
Feature Request: Merge invoices to allow customers to make a single payment for multiple invoices

Feature Request: Merge invoices to allow customers to make a single payment for multiple invoices

Title changed from "invoice HELP" to "Is there a way to see all of one customer's invoices together?" 


Do you think Square will make invoices where you can see all of one customers invoices together? I would like the option to see all of their invoices on their square profile. That way they can pay their full balance together, instead of seperate. They also need more options under the invoice feature. More detailed reports and more. With a couple of updates to invoices, it would be a great feature! Do not currently use because of this!!! 

1 Verified Answer
Verified Answer

Re: Create report of payments due and export as a list?

Let's see if this would work for you, @ericinLA!


From your Dashboard > InvoicesReports. You can select up to 10 invoices for a customer and send a customer statement.

Locate the customer, then click the three dots to the far right of that line > select Send reminders



This will allow you to include up to 10 outstanding invoices in 1 email, and your customer can click each link to pay.
This is an example of what your customer will see:



Let me know if this is more what you are looking to do!  

132 Replies

Hello @SimplyStyled,

Thank you for posting in the Seller Community. Welcome.


Currently we do not have a way to batch print invoices. We definitely see how it could benefit your business model. Our teams are constantly looking through our seller's feedback to make necessary improvements, and we will be sure to let you know if anything ever changes or if new updates are released. 

This would be a great option.  I have almost 200 orders being picked up in the next two days and printing them one at a time is a real chore.  A way to sort the invoices on the dashboard, even just on the existing column headings' date, customer, status, etc...would be just as helpful.

Square Community Moderator

We hear you, @Milemarker0 - thanks for adding your voice in support of this Feature Request. We are hoping to have some good news coming down the pipeline regarding batch invoicing soon, and we will reach back out to everyone here once we have more to share.


Thanks for hanging tough!

I agree - this seems like an unprofessional way to handle this matter. It woudl be great if there was just a way for a client to log in and see all open invoices and pay in bulk. 

I use the invoice feature to create hundred of invoices a year.  My customers frequently want to pay more than one invoice at a time, but there is no batch paying or invoice selection feature.  Thus I need to run their credit card through for each invoice.  Time-consuming and annoying. Has anyone figured out how to do this differently?  I have asked Square to consider adding the feature, but no go as of yet.

It is so time consuming to open and print each individual invoice - is there a way to print them all at once?

Square Community Moderator

Hi @Zellieblue,


I moved your post to a thread where this question has been answered already.

Check out the Best Answer above for details. 


In the future, don't hesitate to search your question first here or on the Support Center for your quickest answer too!

So unfortunate that Square doesn't have this option! But if you use another software for shipping, that might be able to help with this. I use Shippo and it allows me to print multiple labels and packing slips at a time. I know it's not exactly the same as in invoice, but it has just about the same information on there and it may help you save time instead of printing each invoice one at a time. 


Hope this helps! 

I did search and found nothing when I searched "print and printing multiple invoices."  Who knew to use the terminology "batch"?  Not me.  But thanks for your condescending help!  Appreciate it!

Might have to switch payment platforms, not being able to batch print invoices takes hours away from working. This cannot be that hard to do, you need the addition of boxes we can select to print wanted invoices. Help your customers out!