
Feature Request: Merge invoices to allow customers to make a single payment for multiple invoices

Feature Request: Merge invoices to allow customers to make a single payment for multiple invoices

Title changed from "invoice HELP" to "Is there a way to see all of one customer's invoices together?" 


Do you think Square will make invoices where you can see all of one customers invoices together? I would like the option to see all of their invoices on their square profile. That way they can pay their full balance together, instead of seperate. They also need more options under the invoice feature. More detailed reports and more. With a couple of updates to invoices, it would be a great feature! Do not currently use because of this!!! 

1 Verified Answer
Verified Answer

Re: Create report of payments due and export as a list?

Let's see if this would work for you, @ericinLA!


From your Dashboard > InvoicesReports. You can select up to 10 invoices for a customer and send a customer statement.

Locate the customer, then click the three dots to the far right of that line > select Send reminders



This will allow you to include up to 10 outstanding invoices in 1 email, and your customer can click each link to pay.
This is an example of what your customer will see:



Let me know if this is more what you are looking to do!  

132 Replies
Square Community Moderator

Hey @Julias5,


If there ever is an update to this- we'll be sure to update the thread!

Square Community Moderator

Hey @SuzysPops,


This isn't something our invoicing feature offers at this time.


Happy to pass this suggestion along to the Invoices team though!

I also run a business  where people use our services many times throughout the month or on a subscription basis and I wish I can just send out one invoice at the end of the month.  

I have customers who run accounts for months and sending them individual Invoices every time they attend is good however , at the end of a few weeks going through all the invoices individually is time consuming and not user friendly.  Is there a way to merge invoices and make payment all together instead of individually.?


Great question, @Dokismarina


There isn't a way to do this at the moment so I'm merging your post into a different thread about this; if we add an option for this then it'll make it easier to notify you. In the meantime, there is another post on a different thread which has a workaround you can try instead of actually combining invoices. I'm not sure if it's more or less steps for you, but it might be easier for your customer.


We could us this feature as well!

We would also benefit from this. It would be way easier and we have lost accounts with local businesses because they don't want to type in their payment method every time they get the invoice sent to them. A Lawyer we have an account with brings  her clients into our shop and buys them coffee, lets them stack up for a month and pays them at the end of the month. She verbally expressed to me that there should be a way to combine them all. 


Really need to be able to track by customer. The invoice tool groups them, but I can't find a way to print a balance due statement or combine the past due invoices.





Thanks for sharing your voice and adding your vote to this feature request. Stay tuned for updates by subscribing to this thread above. 

I currently print invoices one at a time to ship with customer orders. I'd like to know if there's a way to batch print these invoices so I don't have to click on them one at a time and print individually. Ideally I would like the option to print two invoices per page.