
Feature Request: Add Modifiers or Options to Services

Feature Request: Add Modifiers or Options to Services

PLEASE give the ability to add modifiers to services. This one omission is what keeps Square Appointments from being the perfect tool for my business.


Creating a separate service for each wanted modifier does not work, because just like items, certain modifiers only apply to certain services.


Being able to create modifiers for services, and possibly a time duration to each modifier to be added to the service time would be perfect. For example, as a vehicle detailing business:


SERVICE: Premium Detail (2 hrs)



  • Hand wax +$10 (+20min)
  • Sealant +$20 (+20min)
  • Fabric Guard +$20/+$30/+$40 (+20min)
  • etc.

As you can see, having a $20 fabric guard as a standalone service does not make sense, as it can not be booked as a standalone service. It's an add-on modifier to the Premium Detail. And perhaps I have another detail package that includes the fabric guard in the price, so that modifier doesn't necessarily apply to every service.


I can see this same concept working flawlessly with many other industries as well, such as a hair salon. The service could be a haircut, and an addon modifier could be "shampoo & blow dry". But a shampoo & blow dry is not a standalone service- it only works as a modifier to a haircut service.


Not only would this functionality tie in perfectly with the way items are already setup within Square, but it allows us to remember all the upsale and crossale options for our services, thereby increasing revenue for both the merchant as well as Square.

2 Verified Answers
Verified Answer

Re: How do I get add ons available to book with a service

@Archilaveronica You can add variations to a Service, but there isn't a way to set up Add-Ons I'm afraid. It's a feature request we're tracking in this post.


In the meantime, I hope you can use variations to create different combinations of your services! 

Verified Answer

Re: Feature Request: Add Modifiers to Services

@AROBINSON we're with you, modifiers for services would be fantastic!


However, until this featuere comes around we've figured out a workaround.


Here's how it would look for you:

• Create your main services: "Premium Detail", "Standard Detail", etc.

• Then create more services: "+Hand Wax", "+Sealant", "+Fabric Guard 1", "+Fabric Guard 2", "+Fabric Guard 3", etc


When booking an appointment, it would look like this:

Mr. Joe Black

Thursday, Feb 7, 2019

9:00 AM-11:40 AM (2 hr, 40 mins)

Booked by You on 2/6/2019


Premium Detail (2 hours) $100.00

+Hand Wax (20 minutes) $20.00

+Sealant (20 minutes) $20.00

Total $140.00


167 Replies

Hi all - new guy here.

I created a service that I want client to be able to booking, online, using "appointments" and I've created a "modifier" and assigned to said service.  When I go to the booking site, the modifier does not show during the booking process.  Am I missing something?

My goal/usecase....

Client books 1 hour photo session. (aka: service) $99.00
Client is given the option to add-on balloons (aka: modifier) $9.99
Client gets total (service + modifier) and proceeds to check out.

Is this the intent/flow of "modifiers"?


Square Community Moderator

Heya @ihayes916 and welcome to the Community!


I moved your post to a thread where this feature request is being tracked.

Check out the Best Answer above for details. 


In the future, don't hesitate to search your question first here or on the Support Center for your quickest answer too!

+1 on this request!

This is a core feature of taking appointments, and should be implemented already!

Would love this to be able, there's no other software as good as Square for appointments and it's the only option that's missing. I used Square a lot for another business in the past and would love to be able to use it again!


Car detailing business:


  • Exterior wash (Service)
    • Sedan (Variant)
    • SUV (Variant)
    • Truck (Variant)
      • Wax (modifier)
      • Window beading treatment (modifier)


I've tried to use no modifier but I do face another problem that way. I've created a new service for all the modifiers which is not ideal but I thought it would work but it doesn't. If I want my client to reserve a "spray wax" add-on which takes no more time than the basic exterior wash it's just a different product we use as an add-on then it can't be book online because the service duration is at 0 minutes.

Square...PLEASE talk to us about this.  Almost every online booking solutions supports "add ons"...is there any progress on this?


Thank you for replying!


I just added modifiers for my services, turned them on, but when I went to test it to make sure my clients can see and select modifiers when booking, they still don't show... Maybe I'm doing something wrong? Here's where I went: >Appointments >Online Booking >Booking Site >View Your Site. Selected service - no way to select a modifier from the set I just created.


Any help you can give would be appreciated!

@JustinC  - 

Thanks for the update.  However, I don't see that this is working (showing) for booking online (appointments).


Can you clarify?

@JustinC , I think there is a misunderstanding. The screenshot you provided is what we could already do but doesnt address the problem.  As Square users we can create the modifiers.  Our potential customers can not see these modifiers we create when booking online which makes them almost useless.  As many people have said for the last two years we are asking for the ability for our customers to go online, book an appointment, select a service, and select the modifiers we created that apply to them. Can you show a screen shot of that working? If this is truly fixed now (which it doesnt seem to be) , can you provide further instruction for those who already have it set up as you have shown, but it still doesnt work?


The behavior is unchanged from when we tested in January and again yesterday. Adding modifiers to services is useless when there is no way for customers to choose them when they book. This is exceedingly frustrating.

So, I’ve quit using Square for booking my clients (massage therapist). I’ve opted instead to pay for a booking site thru SquareSpace. That’s right, Square, I’m paying for the ability to modify and add options to my apppointments. I’m hanging onto the account through the year for tax records, but I’m done using it.