
Can you send the same invoice to multiple customers?

Can you send the same invoice to multiple customers?

I tried to send the same invoice to nine customers, but I find the option less intuitive than PayPal's methods. It appears that one invoice was generated, and one customer was billed, and the remaining 8 were cc'ed. When you choose this option with PayPal, each customer email address receives its own bill with its own invoice number. Am I missing something? Thanks.

69 Replies



This should be a feature. I need to send 100+ identical invoices. There should be a way to either import a list of recipients (CSV) or at minumum copy a list of email addresses into the recipient field with an option to have each receive their own invoice.

Hope to see invoices improve soon!

I need to do a monthly invoice batching for mulitple customers.  Is this possible?  If so, how do I set that up?


This reply was created from merging an existing thread: Monthly Invoice Batching for Customers


@HVAC_HR I merged your post to this thread so you can read the workaround for this (creating duplicate invoices) Tom's Best Answer


I'll also send your request for a way to send batch invoices the team! 


Is the batch invoice option available now?


Not yet, @MetroMerfolk!

Here's yet another request for this feature.  I use Square for my Girl Scout troop.  We started to accept CC payments for cookies, and I'd like to use it to invoice parents for dues, camp, etc.  Thanks!

This is a very tedious and manually intensive workaround to what should be a very simple product fix. 


Hi @Lcifuentes, I'm sorry that there isn't a more efficient way to send batch invoices. Can you share some information about your business and describe how a feature for sending invoices in batches would save you time? Any additional insight will be really helpful to the Invoices team as they plan new features. 

I'll give an example for our use case. We want to use Square to invoice our club members for their annual club membership. It's the same invoice that needs to go to all our members. Along the same line I can see organizations invoice customers for monthly subscription fees or other regular dues. Having the ability to send a single invoice to a batch of recipients would make this process very easy.