
Can I use the Loyalty Program with Square Invoices?

Can I use the Loyalty Program with Square Invoices?

So my business is mainly an online boutique soI send invoices for items purchased.  Can the loyalty program still work via invoices or does it have to be an acutal card swiped?

2 Verified Answers
Verified Answer

Re: Can I use the Loyalty Program with Square Invoices?

I thought I wanted Loyalty points on my invoices but I'm actually preferring it not to be. 

If someone pays me right away for my product/service they get the points. If they want "terms" where I invoice them for a later date or multiple payments they don't get the points.

It's nice to say "sure I can invoice you and you can make a payment over a period of time but you don't get your loyalty points!" Provides an incentive to pay in full up front. 

Verified Answer

Re: Loyalty Program good with Invoices

Unfortunately, Square's Loyalty program does not integrate with Square Invoices. I absolutely see how it would be useful to have that feature on our Square Invoices.


@rxh006 Though you can apply a discount to an invoice before sending it to a customer, there isn't a way to share a promo code that they can use - yet. This is a popular feature request that we're tracking in this thread

Beta Member

@Helen @puka Has there been any updates on the Loyalty program working with Invoices? Has it been discussed by the teams involved? What are the chances of this being integrated in 2019? Any timeline for this feature to be tested by staff and/or available to the sellers?

Any update on this yet?? All I do is invoice online and I would LOVE to be able to offer this to my customers!!! I'm shocked this was asked and requested 3 years ago and there has been no progress! 😕 


@SDE No updates yet, I'm sorry!


If this feature is rolled out this year we will let you know right away (we can't share timelines here in the Community because they are subject to change).


I've also moved this thread to our Feature Request board for Invoices so we can alert you if we're looking for beta testers for example, or if it has been implemented. I really appreciate your patience in the meantime! 

Beta Member

Any update?

Square Community Moderator

Hey @HauntedBookShop!


No updates as of right now but if this does get implemented, we'll make sure to update this thread and tag everyone here looking for it. 

I second the need for this! We invoice 10% of our customers and I don't know when they order if they have/ will use a coupon. Its not cool when a customer has to call and ask if I can modify their invoice to use the discount.

Square Community Moderator

Thanks for sharing your thoughts around this @Dwking83


If anything changes, we'll be sure to let the community know!

How exactly does auto payment work?  Do I still crest weekly invoices? 
How can I implement a free charge after so many charges?  What can I do to have the email automatically reflect the free weekly auto-pay so my customer sees their reward? 
thank you 



Hey! I moved your question to an existing thread that may better answer your questions, but just in case, here are the answers below: 


1: Loyalty still does not work with invoicing payments, so at this moment there would not be a way to give your seller's a "free" invoice after so many payments. The best way to do this would be to create a recurring invoicing series that stopped after, say 6 payments, then you would manually comp a payment for them from the POS app, and then create another new recurring invoicing series.


If your discount doesn't cover the full invoice, then you would simply need to create a new invoice with your "loyalty" discount and send it to your sellers. 


Regardless, I'm happy to send this feedback request forward to the Success teams!


2: Auto payments only really work if the seller has a card on file. You will not need to create a weekly invoice, but you can schedule the recurring invoices to charge your customer's card on file at scheduled intervals for as long as needed. You can read up on how to create this here: http://squ.re/recurring


Hope this helps 🙂