
Can I use the Loyalty Program with Square Invoices?

Can I use the Loyalty Program with Square Invoices?

So my business is mainly an online boutique soI send invoices for items purchased.  Can the loyalty program still work via invoices or does it have to be an acutal card swiped?

2 Verified Answers
Verified Answer

Re: Can I use the Loyalty Program with Square Invoices?

I thought I wanted Loyalty points on my invoices but I'm actually preferring it not to be. 

If someone pays me right away for my product/service they get the points. If they want "terms" where I invoice them for a later date or multiple payments they don't get the points.

It's nice to say "sure I can invoice you and you can make a payment over a period of time but you don't get your loyalty points!" Provides an incentive to pay in full up front. 

Verified Answer

Re: Loyalty Program good with Invoices

Unfortunately, Square's Loyalty program does not integrate with Square Invoices. I absolutely see how it would be useful to have that feature on our Square Invoices.

Square Champion



I have set up Square loyalty based on Customer Spend. I have a bigger ticket item that a customer is paying over time using square invoices. The question has come up if he will still receive his loyalty points for these payments? Or is it once the entire invoice is paid? Or not at all?




Square Community Moderator

Hey @LukeNieuw,


Unfortunately Loyalty is only for Point of Sale payments and doesn't integrate with Invoices at this time.

We're tracking the requests for it here in this thread. 

Square Champion

Thanks for your response. I will add to the thread you linked.

Square Champion

I would also like to see this integrated. We have some bigger ticket items that we spread across multiple payments for some customers using Square Invoices and the Loyalty program is a big push for us. It sucks when we have to tell them they don't get their rewards for it when they are paying for bigger ticket items.

Square Community Moderator

Thanks for adding your voice here. And thanks for also adding your specific circumstances, and giving light to how this feature would specifically be beneficial to your business.


We hope to be able to provide some good news on this front very soon. We appreciate your patience while we work to implement this Feature Request in the near future. Thanks for your patience!

I go back and enter every paid invoice sale and process it through the square checkout as a cash sale so that invoiced customers get their points, but then of course it screws up my sales numbers because all invoiced sales are entered in twice.  It's a total pain in the butt and I really hope Square adds that feature soon so that my invoiced customers get their points automatically and can also redeem their rewards through their invoice.

Beta Member

Adding my voice to this request. I use Square for Retail but use the invoice feature a lot -- for folks shopping remotely who don't want to give their CC information over the phone, or who don't have a CC (and pay by mailing in a check). It's incredibly time consuming to manually update their loyalty information.

This will make me leave Square completely. I was so disappointed to find out loyalty doesn’t work on invoicing. I will cancel loyalty before the free trial is over. I will be looking elsewhere to find someone that can adequately support my growing business. It’s a shame you would lose the fees off my business because you won’t place the code into the invoicing process. 3 years of reply promises? Ridiculous to see. 

Square Champion

In the past, I didn't mind so much that loyalty points were earned with invoice payments. However, during COVID we are encouraging many more invoice payments for pre-orders of our baked goods. Customers are realizing they are not earning toward their loyalty status. It would be great if we could allow invoices to apply to stars. Better yet, have the ability to say what types of purchases qualify or not. I own a bakery. So many only in store purchases count towards loyalty but pre-orders don't? Having that ability to fully customize the loyalty program would be awesome!


HI @sugarlab! Thanks for taking the time to share this. We are still tracking feedback regarding this feature request, so I have merged your post with an existing thread so we can keep all requests in one place. 


In the meantime, you will need to manually add loyalty points for your customers if they are making a purchase via an invoice.