
Can I use the Loyalty Program with Square Invoices?

Can I use the Loyalty Program with Square Invoices?

So my business is mainly an online boutique soI send invoices for items purchased.  Can the loyalty program still work via invoices or does it have to be an acutal card swiped?

2 Verified Answers
Verified Answer

Re: Can I use the Loyalty Program with Square Invoices?

I thought I wanted Loyalty points on my invoices but I'm actually preferring it not to be. 

If someone pays me right away for my product/service they get the points. If they want "terms" where I invoice them for a later date or multiple payments they don't get the points.

It's nice to say "sure I can invoice you and you can make a payment over a period of time but you don't get your loyalty points!" Provides an incentive to pay in full up front. 

Verified Answer

Re: Loyalty Program good with Invoices

Unfortunately, Square's Loyalty program does not integrate with Square Invoices. I absolutely see how it would be useful to have that feature on our Square Invoices.

Beta Member

PLEASE implement this ASAP! People have been asking for it for 2 years now. It doesn't make sense that invoiced customers should be treated any differently than in-store customers. 

Square Community Moderator

Thanks for adding your voice here, @TabbyTree. We agree - loyalty should be offered to all customers, including those who are being Invoiced.


While I can't confirm an exact timeline, I will be sure to pass along any future updates to you when the time comes.


Thanks for your patience.



Beta Member

 I would love this option too! 90% of my sales are through invoicing. I need a loyalty program that works for invoices too! 


Hey @Rasco thank you for adding your vote to this!! 

I’ll make sure to share your request with the product team.

In the meantime, you can manually issue points to customers who pay via invoice from their customer profile in your Square Point of Sale app. Keep in mind their profile will have to contain a phone number that can be associated with their loyalty punch card.

Beta Member

I agree, I need loyalty points to be awarded by paid invoices.  I manage a wine club and am using the loyalty program as a work around to track wine pickups by club members and manage their status.  Club members are invoiced using recurring invoices and a card on file.  It makes more work and time for me to have to go into each club member's account and add rewards by hand.  It would also be helpful if the loyalty program description made it clear that loyalty points are not awarded by invoices.  I like the Square system and am trying to keep all of my business activities within the Square system instead of having to look for alternatives, such as for managing the wine club. Thanks!        

Square Community Moderator

Thanks for adding your voice to this feature request, @KatieHollister. We will be sure to update everyone here in the event that there is news to share on this update. Thanks for hanging tough in the meantime.

Beta Member

I agree! It takes time to manually enter it all for invoicing. My luck, I would forget and have an upset customer. I really hope this is an option soon! 

Square Community Moderator

Thanks for adding your voice here, @Rasco! We appreciate your patience.

Same here! the reports for loyalty is inaccurate because our biggest transactions are through invoices! I end up adding points manually to each customer as "missed points" but it doesnt calculate into average loyalty customer spending.

This should be a no brainer to include invoices in a loyalty program!

My store sells products at location however our top spenders pay through invoices with orders because we do custom furniture, custom art work and event tickets. in February, there was $2300 (loyalty members) paid with 17 invoices and $2700 (loyalty and non loyalty) paid through POS (100 transactions).


Since i have to enter points and sign loyalty up manually for invoices, square does not calculate invoice dollars spent accurately and shows that my averages are Loyalty:$36 and Non:$71.


Actual $ and trans-

Loyalty: $4353 and #72

non: $774 and #43

this means our actual average of loyalty: $60 and non loyalty: $18


Does this mean i get a discount on my loyalty subscription since its only available to a portion of my customers and i cant utilize reports?


Given that Square charges more for higher amount of loyalty guests and charges more for payment through invoices, wouldn't you think they would make sure to have this feature from the start? They're losing money especially if i decide to find a different alternative for invoices and loyalty!

Please make this a priority.